
Two Cathedrals During The Romanesque Period And Gothic Architecture

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Throughout history, cathedrals have gone through several changes in order to become what it looks like today. Cathedrals during the Romanesque period and Gothic period stand out in architectural history. Many factors play an influence on how the architecture of these cathedrals came to be. Two Cathedrals, The Cathedral of Saint James (c. 1078-1122) sculpted by Maestro Esteban during the Romanesque period and Abbey Church of Saint-Denis (1140-1264) under the guidance of Abbot Suger during the Gothic period clearly reflects how influences of the time period, technological advances, and culture made an impact on its incredible structure. This paper will employ close visual analysis of two cathedrals, arguing that the inspiration that guided the design plays a heavy influence on how it came to be.
Around 800 AD, Romanesque architecture developed and was prominent through 1200 AD. At this time, Romanesque architecture blended influences Europeans had seen during the Crusades. Although many structure types developed during the Romanesque period, the three primary structures were cathedrals, castles, and monasteries. All of which were large and imposing structures used as fortifications and for worship. Romanesque architecture was meant to be large, partially the result of monasticism, a movement in which members of religious groups like monks lived and worshiped. As religious orders grew in size, they needed larger structures to contain them. At the same time, Europe still

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