
Two Differences And The Characteristics Of Business Communication

Decent Essays

1) There are several characteristics that make business communication a form of problem solving. Within business, there are a lot of "moving pieces" with employers being assigned different tasks that are all part running a business successfully. Without being able to communicate well with one another, then the issues or tasks would not be coordinated correctly. Like other problem-solving activities, business communication helps close the gap between a situation and a solution. As a goal focused enterprise, business is all about solving problems, and so, therefore, is business communications. 2) Before becoming a stay at home mother, I worked for a flight school in San Diego. Every day was comprised of external operational and internal operation communication since I was a Client Relations Manager and usually the first face our clients would see. A few examples of external communication would be when I spoke with our clients in regards to their scheduling and accounts this then would turn into internal communication when I would relate the information to my co-workers (the flight instructors) and the president of our company. Another example would be whenever we would post on Facebook our public post would be external communication because it would be reaching others that are not within the current business structure, but when I would plan the advertisement through our marketing/Facebook technician this would be considered internal communications. 3) The

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