
Two Kinds By Amy Tan Essay

Decent Essays

The story “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan teaches the reader about theme and symbol. Tan not only uses anecdotal tidbits from her life but also uses dialogue at choice points during the story to underscore an important life lesson. Tan underscores life lessons in the story by using dialogue. Through the dialogue Tan tells of the mother who is not originally from the United States because she does not use proper English like most people that live in the United States naturally do. This dialogue acts as a key lesson because it shows that the mother is trying to learn a new language so that she can make a better life for her and her daughter in the future. Throughout this passage there are numerous quotes showing that she originally spoke a different language such as, “You can be best anything” and “Don’t need talent for crying.” This lesson teaches the reader that if one tries hard enough then they can make their life better for themselves. The dialogue also helps the reader to infer that the mother is not originally from the United States because she can not speak the language correctly. Once the reader analyzes the dialogue they can get to one of the themes. The theme, “If you do not …show more content…

The narrator recieved the piano because her mother wanted her to become a prodigy. Her mother traded free cleaning services in exchange for the piano. The narrator’s piano teacher, Mr. Chong, was deaf and his eyes were to slow so he could not see if the narrator was playing the right notes, so she did not try and never became better. At the narrator’s recital her lack of effort at her lessons became visible to the audience. Despite this fiasco her mother wanted her to keep on practicing. However, the daughter would not, and she got into a fight with her mother. Once the narrator turned thirty her mother offered her the piano as a present. The piano symbolizes forgiveness of the bitter argument that the mother and daughter had years

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