
Two Point Discrimination Paper

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The data chart above includes the results for the two point discrimination. Jennifer, Kim, Silvia, and Destini were the test subjects, and their 2 point thresholds range from 2-22 mm depending on site. If the data is averaged, the 2 point threshold for the face is 18, back of hand is 13, palm of hand is 10, back of neck is 9, and fingertip is 3.

The average 2 point threshold of the fingertip is 3mm, making it the most sensitive body part tested. There are more sensory neurons in the fingertip than in other parts of the body, which means there is a larger part of the brain that receives and analyzes their signals (Yuhas 2012). “Hairy skin has fewer endings and different kinds, and so produces a different sensory experience; skin

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