
Two-Way Billingual Immersion Programs Create Higher-Achieving Students

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Two-way bilingual immersion programs not only create higher achieving students, but also more equipped and confident students. Academically, TWBI students receive higher grades because of the curriculum. Furthermore, 87% to 93% of past TWBI students stated they would not drop out (Lindholm-Leary). Indeed, the knowledge gained allows students to become more resilient, adapting to the new language; independent, figuring out the language themselves; and confident, taking pride in bilingualism. The TWBI program not only teaches another language, but also another culture. One of the programs goals gears students toward culture awareness by exposing other countries’ custom through songs, dances, and holidays. With this education upon the …show more content…

The programs should also start from Kindergarten to Eighth grade, so students can not only have sufficient time to become bilingual, but also have the opportunity to either continue that language in advance placement classes in high school or learn another language in their four years of high school. The program will function with at least thirty-percent of one language group with the other language group in the same class room, despite the program’s preference for half and half (Alanís & Rodríguez). There are two different types of two-way immersion to choose: 90:10 and 50:50. 90:10 programs commence with 90% instruction of the foreign language, gradually leveling to 50:50 by fourth grade. In the 50:50 model, both languages receive equal amount of time across all eight years. While both types of programs allow students to perform higher on test than any other program, 90:10 students tend to score higher and be more fully bilingual than students in 50:50 (Lindholm-Leary). Iliana Alanís and Mariela A. Rodríguez also remarks, “the 90/10 model requires an initial emphasis on the minority language because this language is less

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