
Two Ways Which Cultural Influences May Contribute To The Development Of Sexual Dysfunctions Among Women

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I would tell her that not every woman bleeds during their first time having sex. The bleeding is dependent on the person. A woman’s hymen could have been torn in some other way before her first time having sex. Additionally, vigorous play and tampon use can also lead to earlier bleeding and explain why a woman’s hymen is already torn. All women are different, thus pain and bleeding occurring during every woman’s first time having sex is different too.

2. Briefly explain at least two ways that cultural influences may contribute to the development of sexual dysfunctions among women. (1 point)

In our culture, we tend to give more masculine names to a man’s penis and dirty sounding names to a woman’s vagina. This contributes to women feeling uncomfortable and degraded. The male genitalia names mostly reference power, while names for women genitalia mostly have negative connotations. In Chinese culture, the vulva is referred to as something beautiful, such as a flower. Another influence to the development of sexual dysfunction among women is pornography. Some women tend to imitate what sexual workers in pornography do because it is a very large part of our culture. However, this leads to sexual displeasure for women and their partners. Imitating sexual pleasure leads to sexual disfunction.

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Define the term “token resistance.” Explain why token resistance may have negative consequences. (2 points)

Token resistance is when someone says no to sexual advances, but they actually really want to engage in sex. Saying no in this scenario can lead to negative consequences because it prevents honest communication and gives into gender stereotypes. This can also give men the idea that it is okay to disregard women’s refusals when it comes to sex. This can lead to men becoming more aggressive it they think a woman is using token

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