Can you escape a disease that runs in your family? Larraine Sathicq finds out. About half of the Australian population will at some time in life be affected by a condition with a genetic basis. But even if you have a potentially deadly illness on many branches of your family tree, it doesn't mean you're staring at a definite diagnosis and it shouldn't stop you being proactive about prevention, says associate professor Kristine Barlow-Stewart, director of NSW Health's Centre for Genetic Education. "For the majority of conditions, what you've inherited is a susceptibility to a disease or condition," Dr Barlow-Stewart says. "To happen they need a triggering factor and, although we don't know what all these factors are, there are some like smoking and poor diet that we do …show more content…
If either of your parents have type 2 diabetes there's a one in five chance you'll also get it, but it is possible to prevent the onset by being physically active and eating a healthy diet. Reduce your risk Exercise regularly. Just 30 minutes of physical activity five times a week and losing as little as 5 percent of your body weight can slash your diabetes risk by more than half. To increase the benefits of exercise, try resistance training with a milk chaser. A recently published report showed that weight training helps prevent inflammation-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Done regularly, this type of training reduces your risk for diabetes by building muscle mass and regulating blood levels of the proteins that trigger inflammation. Researchers in Canada recently found that women who drank two large glasses of fat-free milk after a weight-lifting session lost more fat and gained more muscle than those who followed up their exercise with an energy drink. Breast
All in all, whether it be re-wiring your body to rewire the pancreas, taking blood pressure drugs, or engineering cells to be shielded and targeting harmful cells, we are at the edge of finding a new cure for type 1 diabetes. Along with promoting a healthy eating habit and exercise routine, a Medtronic Minimed and treatments with special herbs and acupuncture are just some popular alternatives that can greatly help those living with diabetes. As a sibling of a type 1 diabetic, I've witnessed the amount of stress and pain that comes with the disease, from worrying about taking insulin shots in restaurants, to holding your medicine when you go places, having to remember to carry Gatorade all the time, and of course the constant pricks into your
Individuals that know and understand their family’s health history are more prepared to change, adjust, and plan strategies that reduce their risk of developing and susceptibility to genetic diseases and other health ailments. I will reflect on the history, health problems, and risks of genetic diseases present for each family member throughout three generations. Advancements in genetic scientific research may predict an individual’s susceptibility to diseases and health ailments and may encourage behavioral changes to reduce this risk (Collins, Ryan, & Truby, 2014, p. 480). Questions, interventions, answers, and strategies will be presented throughout this paper to ensure a better understanding of health risks and ailments prevalent in
Today diabetes is a pretty widespread non communicable disease around the world. Noncommunicable diseases are usually caused by genetic or lifestyle factors. Symptoms for diabetes are hunger and fatigue, blurred vision, and itchy and dry skin. Some healthful behaviors to avoid contracting the disease are staying fit and eating healthy. Any form of diabetes should not be taken lightly and proper follow-ups with your physician should occur.
iabetes is a group of diseases that result in too much sugar. One topic I will be talking about is type 1 diabetes. Another topic I will be talking about is type two diabetes. The last topic I will be talking about is prediabetes. Diabetes is a major disease is the United States.
Simple changes at home can make a big difference. Lose weight. Dropping just 7% to 10% of your weight can cut your risk of type 2 diabetes in half. Get active. Moving muscles use insulin. Thirty minutes of brisk walking a day will cut your risk by almost a third. Eat right. Avoid highly processed carbs, sugary drinks, and trans and saturated fats. Limit red and processed meats. Quit smoking. Work with your doctor to avoid gaining weight, so you don't create one problem by solving another. Many people live with type 1 and type 2 diabetes it’s up to you to do what you suppose to do to control
Sometimes by simply breaking old bad habits, you can prevent having diabetes. You have to eat healthy, by this I mean stay away and/or reduce the intake of high-sugar foods, choose the right fats and looks for other ways to flavor your foods by using different spices. You also have to maintain a healthy body weight. It is fairly simple you exercise regularly 3-5 times a week. By exercising and flowing a healthy diet you will lose any extra weight that you might have and ultimately lowering your blood
a) Risk genes increase the likelihood of developing the disease but do not guarantee it will happen.
Diabetes is an interminable disease which happens when the body can't immediate the measure of glucose, in light of the way that the insulin that is the hormone supplied to control the levels of sugar in the circulatory framework does not work precisely. By then, this hormone is made by the pancreas and diabetes happens when there is a little era of insulin.
To an extent, most diseases are related back to the genetic makeup you are born with. For example, your genes can influence your risk for certain degenerative diseases from osteoporosis to Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and diabetes or even something as simple as the common cold (“Direct-to-consumer genetic testing kits”, 2010). Your genetics can also determine how susceptible your body is to infections, allergic reactions, or how your body breaks body nutrients and drugs (Direct-to-consumer genetic testing kits, 2010). Due to scientific and technological advancements, it not now possible to predict your unique risk for certain diseases and how to prevent them through at home genetic testing kits (“Direct-to-consumer genetic testing kits”, 2010).
Preventing obesity and type two diabetes is easy. All you have to do is eat healthy, and exercise regularly. 1 out of 5 obese Americans have type two diabetes. Exercising for an hour a day is a great way to lose weight, also doing aerobic exercises helps a lot. The key thing to doing all of this is will power. Type two diabetes is reversible, and very easy at that.
For the purpose of this paper it will provide an overview of ways that diabetes, type 2, can be prevented if a person is at risk for developing it. Although there has been little research that diabetes can always be prevented there are ways that a person can delay or improve their symptoms.
It has been estimated that men who have an affected first degree relative (e.g. father or brother) and an affected second-degree relative (e.g. grandfather or uncle) have an eightfold increase in risk. It is unclear as to whether this genetic disposition has to do with actual gene defects or with similar patterns in diet and lifestyle.
Genetics play a part in the development of a person, some genetics cause conditions such as Down Syndrome, Cerebral palsy, Huntingdon’s, etc however some people are considered more at risk because of their genes to things like cancer, diabetes, heart disease etc these are not only influenced by genes but by the persons environment.
C. Adult-onset diabetes is a little different. Treatment to manage Type 2 diabetes consists of taking diabetic medicines and sometimes injections. Making wise food choices, being physically active are very important. Also controlling blood pressure and cholesterol.
Ever wonder what you might pass down to your children? Ever consider the idea that you might pass down more than good genes? “Each gene has a specific location on one of our 23 chromosomes and is inherited, or passed down, from generation to generation as a unit. We have two copies of each chromosome and, thus, two copies of each gene. We inherit one copy from each of our parents and, in turn, pass on one of our two copies to each of our children.” So what if one of those genes was, let 's say abnormal, what happens then? “Although genetic factors play a part in nearly all health conditions and characteristics, there are some conditions in which the genetic changes are almost exclusively responsible for causing the condition. These are called genetic disorders, or inherited diseases.” That 's right, you are in fact able to pass disorders and diseases down to your children. Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, and Cancer can all be passed down to children if one of their parents has it. “When a disorder is dominant, the disease can occur when there are DNA mistakes in only one of the two gene copies. This means that if a parent has the DNA change, there is a 50-50 chance that it will be passed on to each child.” I won’t claim to be the most optimistic person but a 50-50 chance that I might pass down a life crippling disease such as Gaucher’s or Batten’s is too much of a gamble for me. For this very reason, I believe that anyone with any disorder or disease that has a high