
Types Of External Source Monitoring

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Source monitoring is where the memory and information a person gains is originating from. Internal source monitoring is judging between two of their own memories. External source monitoring is judging what environmental source the memory came from. Reality monitoring is being able to distinguish between the two (Smeets et al., 2006). Cortisol is a glucocorticoid released when a person is put through something stressful. The efficiency of forming and consolidating memories and the later retrieval is effected by the disruption of cortisol. Stress can both increase and decrease source monitoring errors and memory retrieval, depending on how much and the kind of stress that occurs.
Stress can be difficult to measure because there are …show more content…

Comparing men to women, men nonresponders had better memory than control for unpleasant pictures while women had better overall recognition than men. The higher the cortisol response, the worse their recall was. Cortisol reduced the performance of memory retrieval. Thus, nonresponders had better memory retrieval than cortisol producers. Sex does make a difference as men are more effected in improving and reducing their performance from stress. Since men had a higher cortisol response than women did, this explains women’s better ability to recall memories. Smeets et al. (2006) studied acute psychosocial stressor and the corresponding cortisol levels to see the effect on source monitoring. In their research study, 82% of their subjects had a cortisol in response to their stressor. Like Buchanan and Tranel they split the subjects into high and low cortisol responder groups, 185% and 75% cortisol increases respectively. Despite the large difference in cortisol response, they found there was little to no change in results for the two groups. They had high performance in correct choices, low false alarms, and high recognition memory score. Stressed subjects showed superior performance in determining verbalized internal sources, recognition, telling distracters apart, and had less false alarms. There was not a significant difference in performance between low and high cortisol responders. So Smeets

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