
The Cognitive Capabilities Between Males And Females Essay

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Comparing the cognitive capability between males and females has proliferated in scientific research. Throughout the years, men and women have exhibited multiple differences in behavioral, hormonal, and cognitive development. For this reason, many have questioned, disputed, and compared the brain capacity and productivity of each gender such as memory performance. In particular, known studies on memory performance have demonstrated the distinct cognitive capabilities between both sexes. Scientific studies conducted in this topic revealed stimulating results, which is that there is a significant difference on memory performances between genders. Studies showed that female subjects perform far superior in visual imagery tests than male subjects, thus, revealing that women are cognitively advantaged in pictorial memory (Doreen, 1992; Marks, 1973). In this lab, individuals who identified as male were compared against with individuals who identified as female through a brain memory test in order to recognize the cognitive differences in memory performance. The hypothesis for this experiment is that female individuals will have a higher significant difference in recall record and average response time than male individuals. On the other hand, the null hypothesis for this case is that both the recall record and average response will be the same on both genders.
Materials and Methods
This experiment was conducted using an online software program called The Memory Interference

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