
Types Of Search Engine Optimisation

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What is SEO? SEO stands for search engine optimisation and it is based on getting your website at the top of a search engine for your chosen keywords. What are keywords? Keywords are the actual words or phrases that you would like to attract visitors to your website. So for example, if you were a solicitor in Brighton, your keywords would be: solicitors in Brighton, legal advise Brighton, Brighton legal support and so on. These are phrases (or words) that your target market may key in to find you. Getting a website onto the first page of a search engine can be difficult and can be very time consuming. What do SEO companies do? SEO companies would work on getting your website up to the top of the search results, this involves doing 2 things …show more content…

The sort of off-site things that would be done would be • Directory submissions • Article submission sites • Online PR • On-line web forums • Social Media • Buying links All of these can take time and endurance though. Directory submissions Back in the early days of the web, the only way to find things were by using directories. When the main search engines started, they used all the directories to create maps of the web and see what sites were popular and what sites were not. Now they are used as a form of indexing sites. There are 1000's of directories all around the world and new directories are started up daily. The same does apply, all directories have a page rank and some are more popular than others. Main directories such as DMOZ and Yahoo have established directories so a in these is highly recommended. Article Submission Articles are a great way to get links, as they are considered by search engines to be new information. There are a lot of article submission websites (mostly free ones) but like directories, they have a page rank, so submitting articles to high PR sites is good for your SEO. Articles are also good to go on your own website - as new content. As long as you keep them unique (and do not submit the same article to different sites as well as your own, it should have a good effect. On-line PR This is a great tool, as it is a little like you writing 1 article, and it them being sent to thousands of websites. They get

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