
Types Of Waste And Waste

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Different types of waste

‘Lean Wastage’ is commonly referred to as Muda; any activity that consumes resources, but creates no value. (Womack and Jones, 2003) Taiichi Ohno comprised Lean theory with the seven types of Muda, as outlined in appendix one. (Charantimath, 2011)

waste in automotive industry
Lean Manufacturing is primarily concerned with removing waste from the production process. (Pham, Dimov and O 'Hagan, 2001)
One issue incurring wastage is overproduction which can lead to excess inventory. Unsold inventory is caused by excess car parts being produced without new orders or demand from customers. In turn, leading to supply exceeding demand. Overproduced goods are often “hidden” wastes since many believe they are assets with …show more content…

waste in Health Care industry

In the service sector, it is unquantifiable to recognise and pinpoint core issues because time, in comparison to inventory in manufacturing, is not tangible.

Motions such as reaching and bending are issues abundant within healthcare. Staff are repeatedly injured because of processes like transporting a patient from wheelchairs to beds which aren 't designed ergonomically. Staff take time off for rehabilitation when unnecessary motions incapacitate them, which can result in a loss of productivity, efficiency and enhance overall costs of employment and training.

Waiting time can affect hospitals as Patients are constantly waiting for treatments, clinicians are waiting for supplies. (Hafer via Deschenes, 2012). Some medications need to be administered within a certain amount of time after a reaction or a procedure. Waiting can diminish the quality of pharmaceuticals and its effectiveness with patients.

There are countless defect wastes within healthcare; such as hospital acquired infections (HAIs), pre-mature discharges, incomplete medical records or broken instrument kits and misdiagnosis. Defects are typically covered-up through reworks and work-arounds, however defects can result in losing a patient (customer) as well as build-up costs to accommodate misdiagnosed patients.

application of ‘lean

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