Typical Saturday nights in Jackson, Mississippi begin with a text saying something along the lines of “______ is having a party” or even just a dropped pin with a time. The night of February 23, 2016 was not the ordinary Saturday night for a majority of Northeast Jackson high school students. Around four o'clock Saturday afternoon, Gracie receives a text via GroupMe that there is a party at eight o'clock at Grayson’s in Raymond. As always, Daniel assembles the carpool, and Mason volunteers to be the designated driver. Daniel and Mason went out to buy the alcohol for the group, and Margaret and Gracie request Barefoot Moscato, Michelob Ultra, and Smirnoff. Margaret and Gracie contribute the Sprite, cranberry juice, bottled water, and crackers. …show more content…
The car ride is basically a forty-five minute pre-game with Rae Sremmurd blaring, and the entire car attempting to sing between sips of their drinks. When the group arrives Grayson’s hunting camp, the party is already huge, and a majority of the people there are already wasted. The party takes place outside in a pavilion area, because the hunting cabin is very small with only a kitchen, bunk beds, and a bathroom. The temperature is around thirty degrees, but no one at the party is even remotely cold. Everyone is experiencing the feeling of the alcohol rushing through their veins, and it temporarily warms their bodies and makes them immune to the frigid air. Gracie and Margaret leave the guys, go mingle, and participate in their favorite party activity: dancing. The music is blasting, alcohol is being showered over everyone, people are smoking, dancing, and having the time of their lives. Gracie drains the entire bottle of Barefoot while she is walking, mingling, and dancing around the party. After she finishes her wine, Gracie finds Daniel to unlock Mason’s truck, and Daniel takes her to the truck and makes her a vodka and
Every semester her sorority throws a date party for their members. It’s held at a popular bar, that’s suited for a night of dancing, drinks and drunken appetites. Most sisters freak out over what to wear or who to ask as their date. Over 250 people attend, and even though some students are not of age, barely anyone is sober, except Ayube, who has a lot on her mind.
When Alex wrecked and no one else could drive, we had to come up with a solution. I was out of the question because I refuse to get my license. Mrs. Logue asked Libby, A’Zariah, and Alex if they knew of any other way to go and sell ads. Alex said that on certain days she would be able to borrow her mother’s car. Because of that we decided that we would work on yearbook pages until Alex was able to get her mom’s car. When Alex could get it, we would go out and sell as many ads as we could. Once we got our car situation out of the way, we needed to figure out a way to get the money that was in Vidalia. Alex was in her mom’s car, so she wasn’t able to drive all the way to Vidalia. I said that we go buy groceries in Vidalia every weekend, so I
It is midnight at the last party I ever went to because I turned down a one-night stand with Rebecca from math class: Does this sound like you? Many college students seem to believe this to be a true statement. What if you just were not that type of person? Donna Freitas wrote, “Time to stop hooking up. (You know you want to.)”, published in 2013 with The Washington Post. Donna concludes, most students in college would rather go on a date than have one-night stands but fear their social status may be called into question. Donna begins to build her credibility with experience in hookup culture, quantifiable surveys conducted by
On December 23rd, Sylvanus Thayer, the Academy's Superintendent, hosted a Christmas Party at his home. There some Cadets, but more of the higher ups were there and they sipped on some fine red wine and discussed some of the issues that were happening on campus. At the same time the Cadets in North Barracks began party planning, you know, who to invite, whose bringing dip, watch drinking games to play and so on. But really what they were doing was stealing food from the mess hall so they could have a nice spread for their guests. While doing this, the observant Cadets in the South Barracks found out about the party and well, they planned to crash it.
Imagine a close friend is planning to go out and celebrate this weekend. You know your friend intends to drink and may experiment with drugs. You are not only concerned for her well-being but also worried that she might get behind the wheel and drive. Using the information you learned in module 8, write a paragraph persuading your friend to make safe choices. List at least 3 dangers she may face and 2 alternatives for her to safely and legally enjoy the celebration.
“Do you want to go out with us on Mill tonight?” I begrudgingly shake my head no, since I am twenty years old that means I truly have no business being on Mill Ave on a Friday night. Mill Ave offers a movie theater, restaurants, clothing stores, and plenty other places people can spend money, but on a weekend night, Mill Ave is cluttered with booze, and college students. It has somehow become a rite of passage for ASU students to head over to Mill and get as drunk as you can, for the cheapest amount of money. The street is filled with people, some drunk, some loud, and the brave souls that were trying to go to Mill for something other than the bars, people like me. The further into Mill, the drunker people seemed to be. Women were wearing short
Jenna felt her stomach begin to growl and she thought of the dinner her father had prepared for them before he’d left for work. Spaghetti and meatballs with cheesy garlic bread, her absolute favorite. The very thought of it was now making Jenna 's mouth water as she licked her lips in hunger. She silently wished that she would have eaten earlier with her father back when he had just finished cooking it. That was right before he had kissed her on the cheek, told her he loved her, and headed off to work the night shift as a paramedic at Saint Christopher 's Hospital. But, she was too excited about Halloween to eat just then, the anticipation of trick-or-treating being such a short time away filling her every thought with joy. She was a
Every year the trip date always land exactly on Halloween and today’s date just happened to be October 30th. Seth lay in bed that night thinking hard about the trip, he could feel butterflies flapping their wings around in his stomach, however he it wasn’t nervousness that occupied his body but rather excitement. He had waited all year long for this trip and in a couple of hours his wish would be granted. As the clock hands revolved and the sounds of clicking filled the air, Seth’s eyelids grew heavy, and he soon fell asleep, snug in his bed but tonight it wasn’t visions of sugar plums that danced in his head, only visions of his trip to Washington D.C.
Red solo cups litter the wooden floor, stained with stale beer. The light fixture, once in tact, dangles from the ceiling, a victim of last nights party. Girls in tube tops and miniskirts lay sprawled across the couch. Red lipstick smudged across their face and clothes half on give the impression of the events that took place under their will. A boy’s face is grafiti to illicit pictures and vulgar slogans-- a mere casualty to the slew of brothers that thought it would be a funny joke to pull on the new pledgee.
They were still some distance away, but Eli could hear their laughter and screeching voices from across the mall. As they drew nearer, she could now see their faces, which was a shocking surprise because Eli knew all four of them. They were all Sophomores, all the same age, and all in the same sorority. Eli and these women were sisters, not by blood, but by choice; sorority sisters that is. By the women’s demeanor, Eli could automatically infer that they were all very intoxicated and consumed massive amounts of alcohol. Eli discussed the situation at hand that they are underage and their actions reflect poorly made decisions on their part, by participating in an illegal undertaking. Now, if Dale had accompanied Eli on this night’s patrol he would have given all four women MIP’s, that is if Dale were to repeat his actions from two nights prior. While, Eli was contemplating whether or not to give all four women MIP’s for drinking underage, or to just give them all a warning because well, they are her sisters. If Eli gave them MIP’s, then it would be on their records forever, conversely, if she let them go with just a warning, then they would be free and clear with clean records. Eli also has to contemplate the consequences of either action, writing the women up could result in her sorority sisters hating her for not looking the other way, or letting them off with a warning could cause detrimental repercussions such as, Eli getting reprimanded or even
One night, towards the end of November, three teenagers were out past their town 's curfew. The teenagers knew that if they were caught, they would be in more trouble than they had ever been in before. These three teenagers were the oddest group of friends, Ethan was the goody-two-shoes of the group- always following the rules, he was a skinny kid standing about six feet tall but there was not one ounce of muscle on his body; Jackson was the star of the lacrosse team- he never paid attention to what anyone told him, especially adults, he was only about 5’10”, but built of pure muscle; and then there was Brooke- she did not know much about anything and she did whatever her boyfriend Jackson told her to, she was blonde and strikingly
It's the end of the semester and there's a sorority party that everyone wants to be at. There are three young men on their way to the party individually, A Marine, A Senior Fraternity Jock and A Fraternity Pledge. They happen upon each other in a corner quite a distance from the sorority party. It's obvious that they are headed to the same destination and they continue their journey together. They turn the corner seeing the Sorority house cover from top to bottom with solo cups, beer bottles in tree with toilet paper. The house had toilet paper all over with what looked like it would have been a sign saying “Welcome to the A D Pi” which is for Alpha Delta Pi. It smelled of alcohol and you could see drunk college students making out on the
During the summer of 2015, Officer Onoja had an encounter with Mr. Young and other individuals drinking in a different alley (81:2-5, 14-15; 861611-13). When he approached the individuals, Mr. Young had a beer
The United States is the home of millions of Americans who are the descendants of immigrants. They were forced to leave their homeland because of the overbearing power of their leaders, crimes they may have committed, oppression and other disasters. Providing a safe haven from those being treated poorly by their country or just providing a new place for people just looking for a fresh start has been America’s tradition since the beginning. Immigrants have played a big role in American history since July 4, 1776 (America), the day the United States was founded. They’ve been able to come to America to find work, open businesses, raise families and so much more. Lately however there has been an influx of people immigrating to America illegally. Our borders have always been open to those in need of a new home, but when it’s done illegally it causes many problems for the Country.
This short fiction-based fable may seem to be suited to the younger demographic. The deeper meaning and moral lesson, however, applies to everyone in general. It educates on one of the most important aspects of human living and hence it is applicable to everyone who can understand its contextual meaning. The Five Boons represents the five fundamental choices a man was offered by a fairy. These include Fame, Love, Riches, Pleasure and Death (Mark, 2016). The man made four consecutive wrong choices before finally realizing the most valuable of all. He realized when it was too late, and he succumbed to his death. The story, therefore, concludes with a very tragic ending.