
U.S. Drone Warfare

Decent Essays

The World's Leading Nation (U.S. As a World Power)
The CQ Researcher article “Drone Warfare” discusses the usage of UAVs, unmanned aerial vehicles or, more popularly known as, “drones”. The primary focus of the article is to illustrate how the United States government is using the drones and discusses whether or not many of the drone attacks have been legal. Since the C.I.A., Central Intelligence Agency, has such influence over what goes on, they have been able to declare the drone strikes as “lawful acts of war and national self-defense in the fight against the Taliban and Al Qaeda.” While some people accept this,whether they believe it as fact or simply accept it as a national defense claim, critics have said “the intelligence agency's …show more content…

The C.I.A. Has far too much authority and the fact remains that even if everyone in the country disagreed with how they were using their drones, they would still find a way to do it discreetly or even through other means, but that absolutely doesn't make it right. I feel that the United States needs to do what is necessary, but I am opposed to the idea that innocent people are often casualties of American presence in a region, or, in this case, the presence of a drone controlled by someone sitting at a military base back home when the button he presses kills

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