
U2 Christian Band: Song Analysis

Decent Essays

Is long been debated as to whether the group U2 Christian band. Much of their songs arer laden with spiritual references and themes from the Bible. They're known for doing much philanthropic work throughout the world including relief work with victims of HIV. So when I listen to the song. I think in many ways it embodies the spirit in which the live their lives. The words of the song in many ways remind me of the old hymn. Take my life and let it be

Consecrated, Lord, to thee…. Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of Thy love….Take my voice and let me sing always, only for my King….Take my silver and my gold, Not a mit would I withhold…. Take my will and make it thine, it shall be no longer mine. Christ calls us to be his hands …show more content…

However in interviews with the lead singer Bono, he has made reference to Christ as being the Savior and would give the appearance of being a true believer. Some would claim that by not taking on the name “Christian band” U2 has been allowed greater success and influence in the world for Jesus than had they narrowly been branded a “ Christian rock band”. So for us, I think that one of the messages of the song is that we have a responsibility to be a light and an influence for change in this world. To claim the name of Jesus and proclaim Him in word only is not true religion. We need to take an active role in social issues and make a difference not just in the high profile issues such as world hunger in HIV treatment worldwide, but we meet need to make a difference in the in the lives of those that we meet on a day-to-day basis. I believe this is what Paul meant when he said that we should put on Christs in Galatians and the further flushes this out in Colossians 3:12 when he tells us to clothes ourselves with compassion,kindness,humility, gentleness, and patience By putting on Christ, this means that others should see Christ in and through us. They should see Christ in the way we

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