
USDA Interest Essay

Decent Essays

Interest in USDA

I am an advanced freshman in the field of Agriculture as an Animal Science Student here at University of Pine Bluff of Arkansas (UAPB) I currently have a 3.57 GPA and I chose the field of Animal Science because I have always had a love for it in addition to having a high understanding in the Science Field. Of all the fields of study a college student could enter, I feel Agriculture is the most diverse and the USDA goes hand and hand with it. I have an interest in USDA because it is a valuable resource to families, companies and the general community. The USDA affects our lives every day in some way from the food we eat to the water we drink and on to the Forrest we often take for granted. They help to launch, develop, improve, expand, transition, and support companies, farms and ranches. They provide the leadership needed when it comes to food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, as well as public policy. Of all the fields of study a college student could enter I feel that Agriculture is the most diverse. The thing about the USDA that interests me the most is the fact that they provide first-rate scientific data that I want to be a part of. I have always had an interest in science and how …show more content…

I also have perceptions about agriculture, food, and natural resource sciences that will lead me to higher positions in the future. If one was to look into the past ten years of my life they would see that I got my start with the 4-H Club under Mrs. Pea Woods who sparked student’s interest during our early years. From there I was able to become more knowledgeable in this field through various science related programs and clubs like MANRRS Organization Member (Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences), Saturday Science Scholars, UAMS Mash Program, Science Fairs, Ag Discovery, ARC STEM Summer Programs and many other scientific

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