
Underage Binge Drinking On College Campuses

Decent Essays

I began my research with the question “Who is responsible for underage binge drinking on college campuses.” I found that there were four main entities responsible for this issue; College leaders (dean of Students, President of the University, Housing Supervisors), Community leaders (Politicians, Mayors, and City counsel members), liquor associations (bars and liquor stores), and social influences. I decided to target university and community leaders because I believe some of the leaders, especially mayors and city counsel members, may not understand how extensive the issue of underage binge drinking on college campuses is. That is why my goal with this project was first to inform them of the responsible factors for this issue and then to move …show more content…

I chose these two groups for two reasons. First, they often get blamed for underage drinking on campuses, therefore they will be motivated to solve this issue. Second, they implement most of the local laws and policies I hope to influence. I believe targeting them will be most efficient for my plan.
Choosing these leaders to target led me to pick an infographic as my medium of communication because of the various benefits it presented. To start, I did not want to make a webpage because my target most likely would not be googling binge drinking on the internet. Also, an infographic allowed me to communicate to the public all the research I had found, in an interesting but effective way. I did this through graphs, diagrams and charts. On top of that, I had important facts I wanted to use to grab the attention of people passing by which I did by using fonts that stood out in the …show more content…

It will be a poster that is about 10 inches wide and 20 inches long making it the perfect size to grab peoples’ attention as well as fit on a poster bored. The first page will introduce the problem in a catchy font to get people's attention. Then throughout the whole piece I will have headers in bright text so those who were skimming the graphic will get the important information first. The headers will be designed to spark interest and then further information will be presented directly underneath. After the introduction page, there will be a page presenting the research. I will compile the data into graphs that pertain to the prevalence of underage binge drinking on college campuses. I want to present these statistics at the beginning to emphasize how serious of an issue this is. After presenting the data, the next page will feature a very complex looking web of the responsible factors. I want this page to look very overwhelming so the reader understands the problem does not have one simple cause or solution. However, I do not want to loose my message in this overwhelming design so my main points about responsibly as a network will be in big pink font. Essentially these points will emphasize the idea of responsibility as a network and that through looking at it this way, better solutions can be found. These main points were selected because if readers do not have time to read all the responsible factors, they will at

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