
Understanding Collaborative Treatment And Its Effects On People Experience Greater Fear And Sadness

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Comparisons of the two approaches can be drawn from the way they try to explain the causes of fear and sadness and then treat the symptoms. Both approaches recognise that fear and sadness are a normal part of being “human” but that some people experience greater fear or sadness which can lead to depression or anxiety, the holistic person centred approach attributes this greater suffering to incongruence and seeks to move the client into a state of congruence through therapy based on opposite conditions of worth, empathy, acceptance and relational depth (Ballantine Dykes, 2010, pg.113). This is in contrast to the CBT approach which alludes to the idea that sadness and fear are learnt behaviours and where a person can become trapped in a particular way of negative thinking. If the behaviour is learnt, then it is thought that it can be unlearned and the behaviour or thought process changed. Collaborative treatment is structured and is based on a skilful mixture of discussion, probing questioning techniques and behavioural experiments based on challenging negative beliefs in order to help the client to identify alternative ways of thinking about or dealing with a particular source of fear or sadness (Salkovskis, 2010, pg.160).
Another comparison can be made between the two approaches when looking at the role of the therapist and collaboration with the client. The person centred approach specifically sees the client as the expert of their own experiences, emotions and history.

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