
Understanding Representation And Cultural Appropriation Of The Other

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The importance of understanding representation and cultural appropriation of the Other
(also known as minority groups) has come to the forefront in many ethnic communities and how the mainstream consumes it. For several reasons, one of which is that feminism holds views on the relevance and appropriateness of consumption of the “Other” in a capitalist society that exploits anything, anyone or whatever for profit no matter the cultural insensitivity of the object, clothing or representation. Bell hooks offer a reason of this notion of consuming the Other
“Within commodity culture, ethnicity becomes spice, seasoning that can liven up the dull dish that is mainstream white culture” (Hooks, 1992, p.73). In other words, commodity …show more content…

Hooks argues the fear that the Others feel, that cultural, ethnic, and racial difference will be commodified and consume and eventually forgotten. The different between Cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation and the desired interaction with those who are considered different or the other is not looked upon as politically incorrect or wrong-minded. However, it allows ways to identify and acknowledge those desires that include erotic longing and make political choices and affiliation. With these inform desires disrupts, subverts, and makes resistance possible.
The second article, “An Open Letter To My Local Hipsters” by Sarah Hunt also focuses on the importance of including culture appropriation and representation of the native community culture and people. This article contends that native imagery appropriated for consumption for the mainstream trends. Nonnative hipsters or consumers, in general, are not understanding the symbolism of what they are wearing. There are over 100 years of political struggle and resistance to maintain what the mainstream is considered as a trend this moment. The representation According to Hunt, who quotes “If you admire a culture, you learn more about it more fascinating than outdated stereotypes of Pan-Indian Culture”(Hunt,2011, p.13). Instead of incorporating native imagery as meaningless that they purchase at department stores, however finally understand the culture and what is

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