
Unemployment Participation Rate

Decent Essays

Participation rates in the comprehensive measure of the level of active section of the economic labor force that are looking for employment or are employed. The index of measure indicates the average variance between the available job slots in the country versus the available labor force to fit the slots (Krueger, 2017). Participate rates represents a measure of the country’s labor force available and productivity in employment sector. The primary aim of participation rate is to identify the level of unemployment in the country by understanding the overall number of actively searching potential employees versus the available slots. The difference in this two variance indicates the unemployment levels in a country (Krueger, 2017). …show more content…

The key trends exhibited by the country’s participation rates pf the workforce depicts the following (Krueger, 2017): a changing pattern that indicates the female participation rates going up while the male participation rate significantly dropping for the past 3 decades, the increasing changes in the age bracket of the workforce where the workforce is increasing becoming the matured population instead of the young people and the positive landmark in producing a better educated, skilled and diversified workforce. Since time immemorial, the greatest share of s country’s workforce has always been men. The changing trends for the past decades indicates a realignment of this notion and increasing indicating the female population upping employment opportunities on a greater scale than men (“Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 2017). The past few decades has resulted to myriad of formal sector realignment where women are becoming more competitive career-wise, go-getters in skill orientation and better approach to employment responsibilities and entrepreneurial skills (Krueger, 2017). A number of cofactors has significantly affected his situation. The key factors include: the wake of civilization, human rights, equality and female championship for equal treatment has led to penning up of the workforce to fully absorb the female population due to attempts to

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