
Unified Canadian Identity Essay

Decent Essays

During the interwar years, various events contributed a more unified Canadian identity. No matter it is politically, socially or economically. In the King- Byng crisis, people drew attention to the governor general’s role in Canada politics. During the Winnipeg General Strike, the union fight for their own right is a key part of our shared Canadian Identity. The Great Depression helped solidify different regional identities.

Politically, in the King Byng Crisis—the two elections called within one year, drew attention to the governor general’s role in Canada politics. This event strongly contributed Canada a more unified Canadian political identity. Prime Minister King, argue with the governor general that refused the advice of the Prime Minister …show more content…

Canadian suffered through the worst economic crisis in their history. It was affecting every single Canadian in one or more from. Stock market crashed, massive unemployment, thousands of bankruptcies. Resulted the whole country were miserable and depressed. However, every citizen was at the same level, people get to know the life of poor. Government started make new decisions such as programmes to improve and create infrastructure. Moreover, new political parties were from, although neither these two parties formed government in the federal level, but they clearly had a strong influence on the existing parties, helped to solidify different regional identities.

Socially, In the Winnipeg General Strike, an event that garnered the attention of local and national politicians and the general public. Although the strikers didn’t get the results they wanted in short-term. However, In the long-term, for example, in 2015, the supreme court ruled that Canadian an “essential Service”. Also, Shortly after the strike, the Liberals came to power with a promise to reform labour and social conditions. Canadian now have legislation to protect union rights. Although we can remember the strike in 1919 as history long past, we can see its impact

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