
Essay on Unifying the Church

Decent Essays

Introduction Miriam-Webster’s dictionary defines unity as the state of being in full agreement. When one reads the Bible it is clear that God’s will is for the church to be unified. In I Corinthians 1:10 the Apostle Paul instructs the church to be perfectly joined together in mind and speech and to have no divisions among them. Today we see various denominations, or as defined in Miriam-Webster’s dictionary, religious organizations united in their adherence to its beliefs and practices. This raises the question, where is this unified church that is described in the Bible? This paper will address the Protestant doctrine of the invisible church. The invisible church are the people who are not only outwardly religious but have also made a …show more content…

This paper will also discuss how the invisible is indeed visible. The church is the temple of the Holy Spirit and His power is made evident through the church. The church is God’s means of instructing, edifying, and unifying His people here on earth and is used to make the rest of the world believe and in turn become members of the church. Each believer has a function in the body and is to depend on each other in relation to their function assigned to them or given to them as a gift from the Holy Spirit. As indicated in Colossians 1:18, Christ is the head of the body and the body is the church. The purpose of the church is identified in 1 Corinthians 12 when Paul talks about the unity in diversity of spiritual gifts and the unity in diversity of the body. There is no such thing as an isolated, solitary Christian life. Upon the conclusion of this paper the reader will be able to make a distinction between the concept of visible and invisible church. Also the reader will be able to identify how they are both related and that, when perceived spiritually, cannot be explained antithetically. The church as a whole, whether visible or invisible, is a part of God’s ultimate purpose.
The Invisible Church The idea of the invisible church was first developed in depth by Saint Augustine. Augustine became the bishop of Hippo in AD 396 and saw the churches under his jurisdiction divided by heresy and many church members and leaders living unregenerate lives as "the covetous,

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