
Unit 4222-317 Provide support for individuals within a shared lives arrangement

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Rhian Jones

Unit 4222-317 Provide support for individuals within a shared lives arrangement

Outcome 1. Understand how to establish the needs, background, experiences, wishes, preferences and choices of an individual

1. Explain the importance of getting to know the individual
It is important to get to know the individual to ensure the individuals needs are met and to put together a person centred plan. It is important to involve the individual when writing care plans and development plans to enable them to establish their needs and enables the individual to express their wishes and preferences and to make them aware that they have choices.

2. Identify sources of information that can inform the process
Information can be …show more content…

Outcome 4 Be able to assist individuals to adjust to the home environment.

1. Provide a welcoming and supportive environment for an individual with the help of key people
It is important to provide a welcome and supportive environment as the individual is likely to be feeling anxious and scared about the new environment and the new people they will be meeting. Staff and service users should provide a relaxed environment and ensure they are not overcrowding the individual or throwing to much information at them all at once.

2. Provide opportunities for the individual to meet and get to know key people
Before an individual moves into the property they should be given plenty of opportunity to visit the property, this enables them to get to know the other individuals who reside at the property and also gives them a chance to meet the staff team. The individual should first come for a daytime visit with their social worker/CPN and also if they wish a family member or another individual they may choose, after the initial visit the individual should then be invited to the property for a communal meal, then for an overnight stay and finally a 2 night stay.

3. Support the individual to settle into the home environment
When an individual moves into the property they should be given the opportunity to

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