
Unit 5 Biology

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39) Name the specific type of plant tissue or cell that performs the following functions: a) waterproofing the surface layer Endodermos b) rapidly dividing into new cells Mitosis c) transporting sugars throughout the plant Phloem 40)Maple syrup is produces from the sap moving in the xylem of maple trees in the early spring. How would taking too much sap in the spring harm the maple tree? That sap is an energy store to give it a strong start in spring. If you take too much, that is less energy for the tree to use. 41) A number of plants are currently being stydies for use in cleaning up land sites contanining toxic substances. a)name the technique of using plants for this purpose Phytoremediation …show more content…

b)self-pollination Would always result in the same type of plant, but higher chance of survival because it can reproduce by itself rather than having to have other plants around. 50) 51) A botanist wanted to see if a new strain of corn could germinate in soil that was too salty for regular corn. She conducted a study on the germination success of seeds from the new strain that were exposed to various levels of salty soil, from zero to normal (100mg/L) to high (200 mg/L) to very high (400 mg/L) to normally lethal (800 mg/L) a) Write a formal hypothesis for this study. b) Does her data support or reject the hypothesis? Explain. If the answer is love then corn definitely doesnt love normally lethal concentrations :). On a more serious note: Lets say a valid hypothesis will be: The new strain of corn is able to germinate successfully and tolerate salt concentrations which are normally lethal for regular corn plants. Now, in order to actually measure this hypothesis, you would need results for salt tolerance of regular corn as well because only with these results you don't have anything to compare it against. However, if we assume that as it say concentrations of 800 mg/l are normally

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