
United Health Group : The Proxy Statement

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claims in the past even though none had surpassed $8 million dollars. CID supported $325 million dollars. Basically, the company could not rationally approximate the array of loss if any, which caused from the substance (“Edgar Filing Documents,” 2016). Clearly these types of problems are portions of business within an extreme controlled industry; There is no extra lawsuit problems known of. DEF-14A Proxy Statement: The Proxy Statement for the United Health Group’s expose extensive optimistic outcomes in terms of general business. In unity with fortune’s 2016 “Word’s most esteemed Companies” list, United health Group ranked first within the insurance and managed care segment (acknowledgment received for six successive years). The …show more content…

United Health Group SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Treats
Market frontrunner in relations of health strategies Health care savings are depending on legislative interferences Uninsured peoples Constantly altering government guidelines, rules and lawmaking
Advanced products Market reliance Aging inhabitants Enlarged rivalry
Strong monetary presentation Poor administration Introduction of novel goods/upsurge amenities (self-governing producers/advisors) Financial unsteadiness
Customer centric tactic Ordinary employee health insurance (high payments) Make known to specific plans to tempt and cater to demarcated health problems Medication Drug Programs
Lawsuit substances (subsidiaries) Unions and purchases Lawful issues

Seeing the above SWOT analysis, chances to increase United Health Groups competitive benefit are a need. In this drenched market the organization ought to focus on alluring uninsured people. With the execution of Obamacare, most uninsured people are strongly in search of healthcare aids to avoid fees and consequences, which relate to having no coverage. To be determined to be tactical with the future buying of Humana via Aetna (two of United Health Group direct contestants and fortune 500 companies), United Health Group ought to think about merging or finding another

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