
United Nations Security Council ( Unsc ) On The Effort Of Terrorism Essay

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Mali Terrorism
"Of the 28,328 people killed in terrorist attacks in 2015, 6,924 (24%) were perpetrators of terrorist attacks," the report says. "Perpetrators were killed intentionally in suicide attacks, accidentally while attempting to carry out attacks, or by security forces or victims responding to attacks”(cnsnews). This is what terrorism has done all across the world. Terrorism has become a never ending occurrence in Mali that has caused major issues economically and physically. Throughout this paper there will be main ideas on what has happened in Mali with terrorism. Following with what leads to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on the effort of terrorism in Mali. To follow up with why the realist critique fits the terrorism in mali. Ending with the proof if the UNSC response and current issues and if the UN is still there to this day. Wrapping it all up with a final conclusion of my research and thoughts.
In nations there is always confrontation on differences of life. The most radical and severity of this confrontation is Terrorism. Terrorism being described from “ The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes. The state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization. A terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government( This is any act of violence that comes from any group of people to make serious threats to attack anything or anyone. To make a statement

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