
Unme Jeans Essay

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Which, if any, of the three social media plans should Foley pursue? Why? Based on the information contained within the case study, I believe Foley should pursue the Zwinktopia social media plan. I believe this is her best choice for a number of reasons. First, Zwinktopia users fit the target demographic for the UnME Jeans brand. Its users span the age range she is marketing to—teenage girls. The Forrester Research Study of Interest in Marketer Profiles on Social Networking Sites reported the following: • 68% of young adults, age 18-21, visit social networking sites once per day or more; • 28% of teens and young adults, ages 12-21, showed interest in the profiles of marketers, retailers, and service providers on social networking …show more content…

It pairs the brand with issues that are important to teenage girls and gives them a way to attach a personal identity to the jeans. With characters representing users wearing the jeans, Zwinktopia is able to offer a personalized experience that Facebook and YouTube cannot. Also, the message could be lost with platforms like Facebook and YouTube, as their audiences span a large range of consumer age groups. Consumers on YouTube have to make a conscious decision to watch the video commercials; Facebook users would have to read about the product and install widgets in order to provide the viral effect. With Zwinktopia, the message and the brand are integrated into the experience. Foley would benefit the most from Zwinktopia by periodically changing the styles of apparel offered to its users. The risk here would be that of competitors offering similar experiences. Users could grow tired of their UnME jeans and wish to outfit their avatars in a competitor’s apparel offerings. With Facebook, she runs the risk of users simply “hiding” the UnME feed over time. Once hidden, the users must consciously decide to visit the company’s profile page. With YouTube, consumers are invited to submit their own videos to the site. This could produce a viral effect, yes, but it could also inhibit the younger audience she is trying to reach. Producing and uploading videos could be challenging for younger teenage girls. How should Foley measure the results of

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