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The topic has been very controversial due to different opinions. Some people believe that the media is influential in framing issues and setting agendas in the political world. Other people believe that the media is an educative tool, and it just informs the public and does not influence their political decisions. Media just tell people what to think about instead of how to think. Each side of the argument has been previously confirmed based on the perception of different researchers to the topic. However, I didn’t find a research that has provided a clear explanation to the issue: If the media decides where the public cast their vote during an election? Therefore, there is a knowledge gap, and this research paper intends to explain the influence …show more content…

The media speaks to people of all races and diversified ethnic backgrounds. The media can therefore either influence unity between them or enmity between them through its opinions. The writer notes that the political racial divide in the USA has been induced by the media airing information that favors or criticizes certain races (Nesbitt-Larking, 2007). He concludes that political racial divide and ethnic political opinions are heightened and minimized by the media (Nesbitt-Larking, 2007). He appreciates the media role in reducing racial divide but blames it on the situation in the past. Comstock and Scharre say that the media influence the public on what to do by controlling their psychology Comstock & Scharrer, 2007). They argue that the media influences the political decision of the public by manipulating their psychology. According to them, the public’s ideas on politics are bases on what the media thinks is right and what it considers …show more content…

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