
Unraveled-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

One day, my brother was playing the game on the xbox 360 console in which I did not know of. Me being me, I made a joke about him playing the game, then I watched him play and thought it was pretty cool. Back then I was around 10 years old and at the time I was not into that ¨kind of stuff¨ cause I did not see no use of it. But seeing him play and not being good at it made me interested. I felt as if he can do it I can do it. I asked my brother can I play and he responded anxiously yeah. Since then I played the game non stop. In addition, I only played Grand Theft Auto V on multiplayer mode which was an action adventure video game series.
Years later, I am around 15 years old and still playing the game. I was in a clan which was …show more content…

The game exceeded my expectations in which allowed me to play more. However, since my friends was not on that time of day, I was stuck playing with strangers. While I was cheerfully playing the game, I thought I heard a derogatory remark. With me being unsure I asked the gamer to repeat what he said. He furiously stated, ¨ SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DUMB BITCH GO BACK TO AFRICA¨. After that I shut the game off instantly and ran to my room with tear running down my cheeks. It started off to be the best day ever then to being the dreadful nightmare ever to …show more content…

It hit me hard. I felt antisocial and by my lonesome. I never knew I could feel so much pain by what people say. As I was younger I was always told that ¨Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me¨, but in reality I came to know the truth. It was like apart of me died that night and had no one to tell it to and nowhere to escape. This never ending pain hurts because I'm slowly dying on the inside with no voice to speak while suffering alone.
Generally speaking, I felt violated. I did not know that joining the world of gaming could cause some much distress in my life. But what I am not going to do is let this be the last destination in my life but a beginning to a new future. I feel like that pain I was feeling years back made me stronger and allowed me to handle

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