
Usa Information Case Study

Decent Essays

Knowledge of the provisions and application of the FOIA/PA and national security provisions, as well as relevant case law.
I have knowledge of laws, regulations, policies, provisions and application of the FOIA/PA and national security provisions through successfully completing USPS OIG annual mandatory trainings such as "Sexual Harassment and Prevention for Federal Employees" and "The No FEAR Act". Also, I have researched information found on USDA OIG, USDA, and Department of Justice websites for FOIA information.
I am aware that the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was enacted in 1966, and is found in Title 5 of the United States Code, section 552. It provides that any person has the right to request access to …show more content…

When, in the course of responding to an FOIA request, an agency cannot readily determine whether the information obtained from a person is privileged or confidential business information, the policy of USDA is to obtain and consider the views of the submitter of the information and to provide the submitter an opportunity to object to any decision to disclose the information."
With respect to WPE, I recently participated in workplace environment (WPE) assessment interviews of USPS employees and managers, and WPE assessment team meetings. During the WPE team meetings I expressed to the team, team lead, and WPE ASAC, the facts I gleamed from the multiple interviews conducted and provided feedback. I identified/defined the problems or issues at hand. I expressed this does not appear to be a harassment issue, instead, other matters may exist such as cultural differences (the facility management team were all of Indian decent) which may have lead to perceived gender discrimination towards females, as expressed in multiple interviews. Lastly, I encouraged the WPE ASAC to interview the USPS facility Post Master in order to view, analyze, and assess whether or not he showed signs of gender …show more content…

I provided an assessment , that the issue at hand appeared to be more of a cultural communication issue above anything else. I noted that the management team at this facility were males of Indian decent. Next, I citied customary tones, mannerisms, and drive commonly said to be used by, or associate with, some people of Indian decent may have been misinterpreted or misconstrued by some non-Indian decent employees at this facility, as racist or intimidating. Conversely, management may not have been aware of how their employees perceived or interpreted their communication style and

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