
Use Of Diction In Seraph On The Suwanee

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In Seraph on the Suwanee, writer Zora Hurston uses detailed diction to define the setting of the town, while simultaneously uses similes and allusions to characterize the people who live in the area, as ignorant, unaware, and uncultured. Diction is used to describe Sawley and to characterize the people who live there. Zora Hurston uses detailed diction to elaborate the setting of Swaley. In the text it states “ It is flanked on the south by the curving river… running swift and deep through the primitive forests… On the north, the town is flanked by cultivated fields planted to corn, cane, potatoes, tobacco, and small patches of cotton.” With Hurston’s extensive use of detailed diction such as “running swift”, it allows the reader to easily

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