
Using A Traditional Medical Model-Based Approach

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When an client or community is experiencing a crisis a traditional medical model based approach is used for an intervention to help them out of that particular situation. A seven-step model will be utilized when dealing with any type of crisis that pertains to a client or the community. This response model would include assessing the situation and the client, build a rapport with community/client, identify the major issue, explore feelings and emotions, think of different alternatives plans on how to deal with the issue at hand, goal setting and put to action, and follow up (Albert & Allen, 2005). Several factors are excluded when a social worker or any professional uses a medical model, they treat every situation as the same, and they do …show more content…

Which means that the government is trying to have many things privatized, which means less spending towards many social services agencies. This is happening because a sufficient number of organizations are being bought by fortune five-hundred companies, and its becoming harder and harder to get assistant from these agencies. We have pharmaceutical companies paying off doctors, to sell their products so they can profit for it, sometimes these doctors misdiagnose individuals just to get a bigger payout at the end (Paperny, 2016). Society is becoming more focused on a neoliberal aspect, with services being harder to access, and individuals having to meet more requirements, waiting months to see someone and less services are being offered for marginalized communities. This is a major issues as If people are unable to access programs in crisis, this could drastically affect the population and could result in several things such as homelessness, unemployment, and suicide rates all going up. As these individuals, might not feel that they deserve the help they need, this could result in more people using self harming tendencies as this could be their only option to “assist” them in their time of need. If these rates start to go up this would not be just a client crisis, this would eventually end up being a community crisis or even worse an epidemic. Neoliberalism impacts the strategies within crisis intervention because these privatized companies only want their employee to continue to do “quick fixes” so that would result in that person coming back and spending more money to get the correct service to be provided. Additionally, neoliberal policies diminish job security, lack of employment and quite a few social rights that we as Canadian citizens and citizens of the world are required to have (Özcan, Özden, & Çoban, 2017).

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