
Using Grounded Theory In Research

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Theories help guide researchers with how they will interpret their data. Theories may lean more to one paradigm than another, however, there is one which has been labelled many things from paradigm, methodology and theory (Walsh, Holton, Bailyn, & et al., 2015). That theory is Grounded Theory. A historical account of its development, main assumptions and assessment of its value are provided. To contextualize Grounded Theory from an interdisciplinary perspective, workplace bullying in small, isolated organizations is proposed as a research topic. The merits and disadvantages of using Grounded Theory as the research method will also be discussed.
While researching the experiences of terminally ill patients, sociologists Barney Glaser and Anselm …show more content…

First, its applicability to both quantitative and qualitative research (Glaser & Strauss, 1999, p. 18) does not bound it, giving it a greater degree of applicability to a greater number of varied researchers. The data produced from this method is not taken at face value, it is continually analyzed until a theory emerges and it does not seek to exclude data (Walsh et al., pp. 586-587). Second, the premise is that the methods generate a theory based on the data gathered (Glaser & Strauss, 1999, p. 3) rather than forcing a conclusion linked to a predetermined view (Glaser & Strauss, 1999, p. 5). This theory generating system and its non-exclusion of data allows openness and has been cited as fostering creativity in research (Walsh et al., p. 595). Additionally, using Grounded Theory to produce substantive theories allows it to be practically applied rather than remaining in the realm of theorists. (Annells, 1996, p. 388). Lastly, this methodology can work well when studying smaller groups in society (Glaser & Strauss, 1999, p. …show more content…

589). Not fully studying Grounded Theory and how to apply it can lead to research, particularly when there is ongoing debate about its paradigm and ontology, can lead to a poorly designed framework for research and lead to faulty theories (Walsh et al., 2015, p. 587). Additionally, Grounded Theory is accused of watering down complex data while placing too much importance on data seen as low-hanging fruit, rather than seeking out the more complex role of social structure – thus eliminating the analysis of power in a given situation (Thomas & James, 2006, pp. 768-769). Lastly, the procedures described by Glaser and Strauss are accused of placing too much weight on procedures and technique at the expense of data interpretation (Thomas & James, 2006, p.

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