
Using Skepticism to Acquire Knowledge

Decent Essays

“A skeptic is one who is willing to question any knowledge claim, asking for clarity in definition, consistency in logic and adequacy of evidence.” In the context of Theory of Knowledge, the definition of logic is reasoning conducted according to strict principles of validity. The definition of a knowledge claim is a statement that is assumed to be true. Adequacy is defined as the sufficiency for a particular purpose. Using this knowledge, it is appropriate to say being a skeptic is a great approach to acquire knowledge. For example in the Area of Knowledge of the natural sciences being a skeptic is a great characteristic. Another prime example is in the Area of Knowledge of history. In history, historians are always skeptical of others knowledge claims. They always are refining history by using the same concepts as a skeptic would: asking for clarity in definition, consistency in logic and adequacy of evidence. This process is a primary way that historians are able to acquire knowledge. However, acquired knowledge is useless unless historians are able to comprehend and utilize this knowledge, most easily by using the way of knowing of language and reason. By using language historians are able verify terms and concepts with each other in order to check the clarity of claims. With reason historians are able to check the validity of other claims in order to verify the information. Based on the quote and references to theory of knowledge, I can conclude that being a skeptic is

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