
Utilitarianism: The Use Of Military Force

Decent Essays

When are the circumstances under which it is or is not legitimate to use military force against another group or country?

In this time of age the use of military force is a massive debate. With how long we were in Iraq and Afghanistan to the rise of Terrorism, like such groups as ISIS. People have continued to oppose the use of our military forces in different countries and at the same time we force our own problem. There is a lot of discussion before it even reaches the point to discuss even if we should go to war. We just don’t jump in at every battle that happens, we have to look at all angles. Like if we jump and stop this will our alliances grow stronger with the country we are helping or will this stop it for reaching our shores. It could also have the total opposite effect, like will it cause us to have more enemies if we intervene in a religious war (for example Israel). People are too quick to judge to notice all the different outcomes that could happen if we don’t go to war or if we do go to war. This proves that different circumstances could come about to push us to decide the use of military use against someone else. Now we need to know if we can decide at what point is the right time or right circumstance to make that decision.
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“Utilitarianism is the concept that the moral worth of an action is determined exclusively by its contribution to overall utility, that is, its contribution to happiness or pleasure as summed among all people.”

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