
Uv Radiation And Its Effects

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UV radiation, such as that from the sun can be very harmful. It has been shown to cause many different mutations within cells, leading to issues for the organism such as death or disease. One of the most prevalent sources of UV radiation for humans is the sun. It’s very important for us to know the extent of cellular damage that can be caused by this radiation, as to know how harmful the sun’s rays are to us as humans. One way that the damage caused by the suns radiation can be tested is through the model organism yeast. For this lab, we exposed two different strains of yeast to UV radiation to test its affects. One strain was able to self-repair, while one was genetically altered so that it could not. Observations were recorded at …show more content…

They’re such a good model organism for many reasons: including that they are eukaryotes (as are we), and that we have completely sequenced their DNA through many years of research. According to Botstein, we have known the complete DNA sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (the yeast we will work with in this lab) since before 1996. Yeast is also great to work with because of their availability and easily observable growth. (Botstein, 1997). Due to the many similarities between human and yeast cells, the effects of damage such as radiation on yeast cells can be correlated to the effects that it will have on other types of cells, such as human cells.
In this lab, we used two different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) cells. One of them was, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, UV-Sensitive Strain, G948-1C/U, alpha, rad1 rad18 phr1 ura3 mutant in excision repair (Haploid), while the other was a wild type strain of this yeast. We chose to do this, because it is important to compare UV sensitive yeast cells, which have a mutation that yields them unable to repair themselves, to a wild type that is able to repair itself after UV radiation exposure. According to Conconi, “monitoring the formation of formazan in non-dividing yeast cells that are partially (rad7Δ) or totally (wt) proficient at DNA repair is a more accurate measure of cell survival after

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