
Vaccines Save The World

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Imagine a world where you could get smallpox at any time, a world where most of the people around you were killed by disease and you would probably be killed by disease too. Well, that would be the world without vaccines. Vaccines over time have saved thousands of lives and will continue too with new developments. The first vaccine was created by Edward Jenner, a British physician, the vaccine are made up of dead or weakened diseases and are built to work and boost the immune system. The first vaccine was created in 1796 England and now used all around the world today. Vaccines are important because disease was destroying the world and was the leading cause of death for people in the world before the twentieth century. Today vaccines have changed …show more content…

Smallpox has been the worst disease ever, killing over 300 million people in the 20th century alone and today it would still be killing if it hadn’t been for a man named Edward Jenner. Edward Jenner was a british physician who created the first vaccine. He, like many others, wanted to end this terrible disease so when he heard a rumor in a small town that milk maids couldn’t get smallpox, he decided to investigate. Following his investigation in the small town he concluded that the milk maids were immune to smallpox because they had cow pox which at worst would leave red streaks along your body. In order to test his theory he decided to inject the cowpox virus into a small boy and after a few days he would then put the smallpox virus into him and sure enough when he did put the smallpox vaccine into the boy it had no effects. His treatment for smallpox quickly spread and by the 1800s had become a way to treat smallpox and in 1970 smallpox was eradicated making it no longer a threat to society. The smallpox vaccine works just like vaccine today by boosting the immune system to fight diseases. They work by tricking the body into thinking it has the disease in order for it to produce antibodies, these antibodies are released into the bloodstream find the pathogen(disease) and kill it. These vaccines are made up of many different things however, they are mostly dead diseases, poisons, and germs that won’t cause you harm but will cause the body to kill it and remember the diseases, poison etc, so you are immune forever form it. Because of vaccines humans have lived longer and the average for year of death has gone up 30 years. These vaccine are very reliable too, they work 90% to 100% of the time and have saved countless lives. Today, before children even get to school they already have had 95% of their vaccinations before they enter school. The vaccinations they receive include, chickenpox, diphtheria, human

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