
Essay on Value of Higher Education

Decent Essays

As a child one may be encouraged to read by the idea that reading opens your mind up to new worlds. Such can be the same with a higher education. Education is a way to develop mentally and morally. Often we think about the financial benefit of a college degree. But what about things obtained that do not have a monetary value? There are things that we gain through the experience of college that otherwise, we may not. When you decide to attend college, you often have an idea of a field of study that you would like to follow. This is something that you have been exposed to but not have complete understanding and knowledge. But as you gain knowledge in the field of study, you will also gain confidence. Other times, one doesn’t know …show more content…

If your personal life plan for advancing your career includes higher education your ability to enhancing your confidence, self worth, and quality of life overall are greatly increased. By pursuing advanced education related to your career field, you will acquire skills that help you perform better in your job. Additionally, your actions will demonstrate to your employer your continued commitment to your chosen profession.
Another way that post-secondary education will benefit a person’s life, is it will give you certain values and life experiences that you can pass on to your children. Your education will help to build a foundation for not only your children, but for your grandchildren and future generations. It has been said that children whose parents attended a post-secondary institution will be more likely to attend one for themself. Also, research has shown that a child of a university or college educated parent will perform better academically then a child whose parent did not attend any sort of institution. Post-secondary education also helps to build meaningful foundations of skills and values for your children to use in their lives.
Post-secondary education opens your mind to experiencing new and interesting social situations that will help you in life with increasing opportunities to meet new friends. The way that these social situations will help you is

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