Jessica Rainey English 102-39 Anne Wilbourne April 16, 2013 Value of a College Education Education has come along way through out the centuries, unlike in the past; education is the key to opening the door to endless opportunities. College can provide a sense of security and desire towards a stable career. As easy as it sounds to obtain this life, the market gets more competitive each day, allowing employers to raise their standards. When investing into a degree one should keep an open-mind, there are many aspects that follow along. One mistake commonly made in college, is a student will choose a career with a higher paying salary. This career they might choose might not be something their interested in. That’s where a different …show more content…
Even with this problem that should not stop one from bettering themself. As said by the article, College Value Goes Deeper Than The Degree, Graduates Say, his parents were poor, just like his childhood friends, but he wanted to change that (Hoover). College offers an education that is an important role in obtaining a career but the experience you receive is priceless. In the article, Measuring the Value Of a College Education, the author states that one doesn’t just learn the essentials they need for their particular job, but they are taught to be a well-rounded individual. He goes on to explain that one can learn more about a tree than just the biology side of it. A tree has dimension and perspective, as well as color and shade to its leaves; this is how art is interrogated. Economics can also be involved; trees are an economic force, they produce acetone, charcoal, paper, etc. “You know, the essential characteristic of an ignorant man is his compulsive insistence on simply answers to complex questions. Life to him is flat and two-dimensional; everything is reduced to a simply duality: Them and us Right and wrong Good and bad Friend and foe There’s no in-between. There are no other levels open for consideration. These are the standards bearers and phrasemakers”(Bellavance). The author makes a point that college teaches
I have vigorous convictions that lead me to believe that a college education is worth it. A number of jobs require some college inculcation or a degree. The number of the jobs that require college education have highly incremented over the years; furthermore, a college education will proffer a plethora of money, diverse from what just a high school education would give you. In the article “Is a College Education Worth it?”, Henry Punoinoin encapsulates the essence that college is unanimously worth going to by divulging information and evidence fortifying his tone and noetic conceptions about the topic.
Education teaches one everything such as better knowledge, what is right and what is wrong and gives one the opportunity to learn new stuff. When students start going to school, they start learning basic studies and then at the college level, they are ready for a job. College is the last stage in students’ life where they get ready for a job or career. Bird suggests right, college education should enhance student’s chances for a good job because after many students get a degree in whichever field they like; however, they sometimes don’t get a good job or get a low paying job. “Other field most popular with college graduate are also pathetically small (Bird 128).”
There is no set value on a college education. In this case, the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some attend college with hopes of becoming rich and powerful. They want to see their names on a jet plane or on a modern skyscraper, similar to Donald Trump. However, there are those who go to college with hopes of becoming better individuals. They want to improve themselves and be the best version of who they are. By using ethical, logical and emotional appeal, Mark Edmundson, the author of the article “Education’s Hungry Hearts”, educates society on the difference between those who are hungry for an education and those who are not; those who have a stronger desire to learn are the ones who reap the most benefits out of a college education.
In the article, “The Value of a College Degree”, Rose argues that there are clear benefits of receiving a college education by highlighting employment, earnings, and learning gains. First of all, he cites that throughout their careers, those with a baccalaureate degree are shown to earn $1 million more than those who only have a high school diploma. He also argues that these degrees can be used as signals, in order to get noticed when finding employment, and the higher education allows the person to perform better and thus, get promoted. Furthermore, Rose cites an counter argument made by Arum and Roksa (2011) that many college students do not have significant learning gains, and rebuts by stating that the skills acquired in college vary and
Many students have a decision to make during high school. That is whether to continue and go to college or just stop there. By having a college education a person is offered a variety of job opportunities. While non-college students have opportunities they are very limited and rare. College is expensive and choosing a career is strenuous. College is extremely important in a student’s career and continuing school pays off. Many view colleges as a make or break situation. However, a person should think about their future and family.
It carries on to things that will happen later in life and even after retirement. College allows students to be creative when making decisions in stressful situations. College graduates seem to be more sound in their work and they focus more on “intellectual growth...not all college students [focus] on career preparation” (Is College Worth it?). It is said that students will “grow personally and intellectually”(Is College Worth it?) throughout college. Critical thinking is gained and students learn great resources for more learning and for making choices in life or work. Students who are able to rely on education in their life rather than being ready for their career on “day one” proves to be more effective (Roth).College education not only makes career possible, it helps students find what they love and gives them the ability to keep learning and growing(Roth). Textbook knowledge is just a little piece of college, there is so much more to be learned from the experience then what people think. Most believe it is just textbook learning , hours of work , and struggle to pay tuition and books.College is not easy and is a struggle for many , but for those who are willing to push through it are grateful as well as successful. Those who go and experience college will understand there so much more to it then textbook work and financial struggles. Graduates leave with knowledge that will help them
Many people are confused on why to invest time and money of attending college. A reason for obtaining a higher education is that a college degree can possibly earn a much higher salary than the majority of the people who have a high school diploma. College can be expensive and time consuming for the most of the people that do not have enough money and spare time to go to college. Stephen Rose, a research professor at the Georgetown University, wrote an article on “The Value of a College Degree” to explain if a college degree can be valuable to people to have. Eleni Karageorge, an author on the United States Department of Labor, wrote an article “Is A College Degree Still Worth It?” to give some details on job occupations that compares with employees having a bachelor’s degree or a high school diploma on how much they annually make on their job. Finally, Paul E. Barton, a consultant and a writer for topics related on education, wrote an article “How Many College Graduates Does the U.S. Labor Force Really Need?” on giving details on how valuable to have a college degree in the near future are needed when certain occupations are on high demand with a requirement on having a least a bachelor’s degree. We need to know why going to college is so important for anyone who wants to have professional occupations.
A College degree doesn’t only require hard work, but also a lot of money which can lead to conflict. Students might get discouraged to continue with their education because of how much it costs. Having a college education provides the benefits of better job opportunities, higher salaries, and improves
Colleges are everywhere—they are advertised middle and high schools, television ads show people satisfied with their college experiences, and parents ask their children what school they want to go to. In today’s society, college is expected for many, a necessity for others. People are told the only way to further a country is to educate. With tuition being a part of college, many question if college is worth all the money when there are jobs that only require a high school education. Despite the cost of tuition, a college degree is worth the time and effort—people with degrees experience lower rates of unemployment, more job opportunities in skilled fields, and greater personal gain. Though there are other factors in determining whether college is worth it, these are huge factors in whether the time and money is worth spending.
For many families, the idea that higher education for themselves or their children will automatically improve their social or economic status is a common one. In many situations this can be the case, however it is not universal. Additionally, many factors come into play when analyzing how intergenerational mobility does or does not occur. Some of these factors include existing social class, field of study, undergraduate vs. advanced degrees, race or gender, selection of institution, and parental resources. The general hypothesis of this study is “Is a College Degree Still the Great Equalizer?”
I will discuss what the value of a college education means to me. A higher education will give me many physical benefits such as economic stability, a better quality of life for my family, more career choices, better job security, set a good example for my children at the same time, a college education will also give me many intangible benefits such as boosting my self-confidence, helping me to learn specialized knowledge, thinking critically, bringing me in contact with different people, learning better communication skill and being part of a team. It is something that will serve me well throughout my career and life. So, what is the value of college education to me? After I sat down and took some time to carefully consider what a college
Some of the most incredible advancements the human race have made have been in the past century. We have sent men to the moon, improved communication systems, and made the largest technological advancements since the invention of the wheel. In 1946, the first official computer, named ENIAC, was made. It weighed 100,000 pounds, and all it was used for were various calculations. That was only 69 years ago, but now computers can be found everywhere in developed nations. In less than one decade, we have progressed from a 100,000 pound computer to handheld computers that weigh less a pound and can be used for numerous different tasks. It is crazy to think that the simple luxuries that our generation have become accustom to were not normal for our parents or grandparents. An increase in education is the reason we have been able to progress in such an accelerated way. The value of a college education lies in its ability to allow individuals to grow academically, by expanding their knowledge of various subjects, and socially, by being exposed to many different characters and beliefs. These skills ensure that they will have a better future because they will be advancing faster than those who chose other paths. A four year college education, although not for everyone, can push young adults in the right direction.
When one thinks of going to college, what usually comes to mind is the amount of time and money achieving a higher education requires. Many people often question whether or not seeking an education after high school is worth all the effort. Although going to college may sometimes seem difficult and unnecessary, it has been proven to be an important, beneficial chapter of young adults’ lives. The value of a college education is extremely profitable to one’s life and career due to the job opportunities it offers, the skills it allows you to learn, and the benefits it can result in later on in life.
In recent years, the rising costs of college education made many high school graduates question whether getting a degree is worth the price. However, there are several reasons why going to college is still a beneficial investment. A college education has value; it makes you more well-rounded, it increases your chance of success, and it makes you more prepared for adult life. A college education is a four-year bachelor’s degree received by living on a college campus. While there are other ways to complete a degree, this traditional experience is most valuable to the consumer. The value a student receives from this type of education is skills to improve their life.
The respect of a college education is regularly identified exclusively in financial worth, likely in consideration of the substantial financial gain from earning a college degree is above average. The extensive monetary rewards from acquiring a college degree are widely known and reliable. The connection between receiving a college degree and financial prosperity has been exhibited not only for individuals, but for cites, states and nations – for years. It’s a pretty well known fact that the monetary worth is only one of the rewards from earning a college