
Venezuela, The United States And Venezuela

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The United States and Venezuela have not had been the best relations with one another. Now that the former President Hugo Chávez has passed away, there are still high hopes for the US that all of that will change. Currently, Venezuela is in a tight struggle right now and if it were not for the US they would be still standing. Venezuela is powerful when it comes to their oil, and have very strong polices: however these policies are not working like before so there are some considerations that might be an eye opener for you. Presenting that Venezuela should be giving with their assets the way the Americans are giving with theirs. Background History

Venezuela is not only known for its beautiful landmarks and tourist …show more content…

Venezuela’s reputation has been well established regarding its supply of oil and how it was being used for medicinal use and other purposes. It was not until the first oil well was drilled in 1912, when Venezuela became the world’s second largest oil producer behind the US, and the world’s largest oil exporter (Wilpert, 2003). With the well drill in the country it attracted many major oil producers that wanted a piece of anything they could get. The Royal Dutch Shell and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil became the main producers of the oil and maintained a high status. Everything was going great for the company, “ between 1920 and 1935 oil share’s exports went up from 1.9% to 91.2%”(Wilpert, 2003), but not everything goes according to plan. The country had a dramatic impact towards its economy that many recall, “The Dutch Disease.” “The utmost important magnitude of the Dutch Disease was that agricultural production declined to almost nothing and the country fell behind in industrializing, relative to other Latin American countries” (Wilpert, 2003). Thus, Venezuela had passed a reform oil policy that was the Hydrocarbons Act, which was from the oil revenues based on the income of the mines (Wilpert, 2003), bringing the state’s income to stability.

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