
Vengeance: A Fictional Narrative

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Vengeance Kalvin finds himself sitting alone at lunch once again. He kept to himself and no one knew what was going on in his distorted mind. All Kalvin does these days is stare into the deep black hole that his computer is. Kalvin has been doing research for a while now. He is sick of the ridicule, sick of the bullying, and sick of the pain that his high school experience is. It is time for him to get his revenge. Kalvin comes from a broken home. His mom died when he was a young boy, and his dad is a racist alcoholic. His dad is never there for him, and the only thing they do together is go to the gun range. Child services frequently threatens to take Kalvin away from his father, but he views it as blatant threats. Kalvin hates being alone in the countryside, he would much rather live with his grandparents in the city. …show more content…

Kalvin walked up to Charles and introduced himself “Hi I’m Kalvin nice to meet you”. “Hi” replied Charles. Charles seemed very mysterious and creepy. He wore a large trench coat and was dressed in all black. Kalvin immediately noticed something was off with Charles and said “What’s wrong”. Charles replies, wide eyed and says “This school is filled with people who don’t understand me, I hate this school”. “ You are not the only one” said Kalvin. Since that day on Kalvin and Charles were best friends. They would do everything together. One particular interest they had in common was playing violent video games. For some reason they enjoyed taking people’s lives. This was only the start for Kalvin and Charles, they were gravitating toward bigger and better

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