As far as procedures that I could observe, I watched an XR chest with lateral rotation, C/T of the pelvis w/o contrast, Venogram/CT angiography, shoulder x-ray, chest x-ray, MRI of the head with contrast, X-ray of the left knee and lastly an x-ray of the L 3-5 and pelvis in both open and rotated position. The first procedure had the sole purpose of creating an image of the shoulder joint with the focus on the acromion of the joint and the spacing within the joint. The second procedure was to allow for the visualization of possible injury to the pelvis from a motor vehicle accident in which the patient had a chief complaint of pain in the hip area. The Venogram was for determining the state of the veins and possible deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
IMPRESSION: This patient has a long history of low back pain which seems to have become radicular in January of this year. She did have a CT scan that showed what appeared to be a small disk herniation at L5-S1. She also has a considerable amount of facet arthropathy. I’m not 100% certain that what we see on the CT scan is the etiology of her present symptoms. I would like to have a myelogram prior recommending surgical intervention.
Pelvis: Good-quality, non- contrasted, actual CT examination of the pelvis with coronal reconstructions. The prostate seminal vesicles and urinary bladder appeared WNL. The bowels seen on the study appeared WNL, except for inflammatory changes of the appendix, and cecum consistent with acute appendicitis. .All the structures of the pelvis appeared intact with evidence of bilateral hip degenerative changes.
Intermittent right shoulder and left hip pain. I did give him an order for x-rays. I will review results with him when available.
In Wisconsin, the history of the land has a various number of stories. The land of Wisconsin has been Americanized throughout the years by European settlers within the area. However, the land used to be owned by different Native American tribes, such as the Oneida Indian Nation and the Forest County Potawatomi tribe. The history, culture, and tribal sovereignty of these two tribes compare and contrast with each other but remain strong to this day.
One of the main reasons for choosing a healthcare career in todays society, aside from the basic need for a self sustaining income, is the opportunity to make differences in peoples lives. With the demand for healthcare professionals and alternative medicines on the rise, so is the need for adequately educated trained personnel. Diagnostic Medical Sonography is becoming an increasingly attractive alternative to radiologic procedures such as x-ray and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Accounting for approximately 50,300 jobs in the United States in 2008, compared to the 214,000 jobs held by radiologic technicians, according to
Obtain CT of abdomen and pelvis with and without IV and P.O. contrast in four phases to look for masses in the liver and measure portal blood pressure.
During your physical exam, your health care provider will for pain, limited motion, and instability.
- Examine the patient for other injuries, such as a neck injury that may have occurred as a result of the backward motion of the neck
Diagnostic Medical Sonography is a career that falls within the medical and health field. Diagnostic medical sonographers utilize machinery known as sonographic scanners. These scanners create images of the patient's internal organs. There are a few other names that this specific career may be referred to as, which are Ultrasound Tech and/or Medical Imaging. Although though there are advancement possibilities, there are pros and cons about the career. The work environment may be difficult, and differential diagnosis is found within sonography. There is a lot of time and dedication needed as well as important information to know and understand about the career before deciding whether or not this is the chosen path that will be taken. I have decided that DMS is the career I want to be successful in because I have always had the interest of becoming a prenatal sonographer. I love working with people and I also wouldn’t mind being the person that could potentially save someone else’s life by
The radiographer’s job is to deliverer quality X-rays that have been ordered by the medical staff. Basic radiographs required to exclude a cervical spine fracture include lateral view, anterioposterior view, and an open-mouth odontoid view. The lateral view must include all seven cervical vertebrae as well as the joint space between C7-T1. If this is not possible because of patient size or condition then a swimmers view will be needed. The anterioposterior view should show all cervical vertebrae, while the dens and joint space should be visible on the odontoid view. These exams need to be completed in a timely matter while continuing to maintain cervical immobilization. The importance of obtaining quality X-rays cannot be overemphasized as the most frequent cause of missed cervical fractures is the result of inadequate films.
A unique case I saw Dr. Hart treat was a young bull rider who had a possible broken ankle. Dr. Hart has an X-Ray Technician in the clinic that took pictures of the patient’s ankle. The images are then sent to a local hospital for a radiologist to read. Dr. Hart can also make a preemptive read of the X-ray scans. In this case, the patient’s ankle was determined to be sprained.
This type of procedure is performed in a hospital or outpatient setting under the supervision of a certified Interventional Radiologist. Commonly performed procedures can include the treatment of varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism, IVC filter placement, abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), etc. This type of modern imaging has greatly decreased the amount of invasive surgeries as well as limits the cost for patients. With this procedure, imaging such as x-ray, CT, or ultrasound are used to guide the doctor through minor incisions into the body.
Opening up the stomach is called laparotomy. This test can also be done laproscopically where they use cameras to look at the organs. This is less invasive than the laparotomy. (Ignatavicius & Workman, (2016) pg. 1171). A CT of the abdomen and pelvis may also be done. This is much like an x-ray but the CT will show more detail. Cross sectional images are taken of the abdomen and pelvis, which gives a better view because these images can see through the organs. These images are very accurate, can produce 3D images, and can be looked at in multiple planes. (Pagana, T. (2014) pg. 1021)
The college campuses in the United States have the majority of the population that uses drugs among society (Wadley& Carlier, 2014). The ages of these students range from “18 to 24” that are the most likely candidates to use marijuana and are more susceptible to use and find themselves addicted while they are in college (College Drug Abuse, 2015). There is conflict on college campuses between the state and federal government laws because the college is ran by the state by falls under federal laws when marijuana is involved. The students may experience long term effects of the use of marijuana in their lifetime that they don’t factor into their health because they are not able to understand the risks involve with use. There are many aspects of marijuana that effect college campuses and the students need to find alternatives to stay on the straight and narrow path to become successful drug free adult.
Hundreds of murderers are put into jail and then let out several years later. They say they have learned their lesson, but yet when they do get out they commit more crimes. Thus, sending them back into jail. The only way to make sure these ruthless murderers don’t commit these crimes again is by capital punishment. As the Bible says, "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. " If someone commits a capital offense, they should receive a capital punishment, because the state won’t have to pay for the criminal’s lifetime in jail, it provides the most complete retribution and condemnation, and crime rates will begin to drop.