
Vertical Pharmaceuticals : The Four Pillars Of Analytics

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Brian Markison, Osmotica is very well positioned to compete on analytics. The four pillars of analytics: distinctive capability, enterprise-wide analytics, senior management commitment, and large-scale ambition. Vertical Pharmaceuticals (“Vertical”), like other pharmaceutical companies, is using data science for a variety of reasons; in R&D to reduce the tremendous costs associated with creating new products, to incorporate in-process controls for quality, to manage storage and distribution, to improve efficiencies and to ultimately increase both their market share and profit margins, all while adhering to strict government controls. Based on my short time working at Vertical it is very clear that compliance is a distinct capability/top priority at Vertical Pharmaceuticals, LLC. The company website reinforces my first impressions and boasts that “Vertical is committed to establishing and maintaining an effective compliance program in accordance with “Compliance Program Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers,” published by the Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (the “HHS-OIG Guidance”). Our Compliance Program is one of the key components of our commitment to the highest standards of corporate conduct.” (Program Overview, 2015) At Vertical, analytics is an enterprise level strategy that can be found across all departments, teams and functions. Data accuracy is paramount at Vertical because faulty data or incorrect analysis can, not

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