
Vet Tech Essay

Decent Essays

The work environment in Vet Tech is stressful. In a Vet clinic, illnesses and injuries are more common in Vet Tech. One has to be able to handle being kicked, bitten, scratched, etc when holding, cleaning, or restraining an animal. Try to avoid getting injuries while working in a Vet. Watch for body language in an animal and have proper restraint techniques. To avoid illnesses, the Vet Tech should follow safety procedures. Illnesses can be caused by these things since they would be around them most of the time; Needles, bodily fluids, radiation and other potentially hazardous substances. (“How to Become a Vet Tech”). As a Vet Tech, there will be emotional stress. Pet owners will look for the Vet Tech for support when their animal has to be put down, going into surgery, etc. It will be stressful for them too, but keep in thought that they cared and tried their best to keep the pet alive and that's what counts. Is that they tried and not gave up. It's hard seeing an animal in pain, but they got to think what's best and just be there for the animal til the end. No matter how hard it is, always be there for the owner. It’ll be the hardest for them. That's why one should have good supporting skills with things like this..
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The VTNE covers pharmacology, surgical nursing, dentistry, laboratory procedures, diagnostic imaging, anesthesia, emergency medicine, pain management, and animal care/nursing. (“What To Expect In Your Vet Tech Career”). This test is three hours long, has 170 multiple-choice questions, and is offered three times a year. For the test, it costs $300. But if one took practice tests before taking the real one then it would cost more. To be a Vet Tech, the student has to be licensed, certified, and registered after going to college. (The LVT is given by the state veterinary medical board. CVT is a private or professional program. RVT is a governmental

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