
Research Paper On Becoming A Vet Technician

Decent Essays

A lot of people ask what you want to be when you grow up. I know that question is the most important decision you will make in your life. My parents say to stay in school and try to get good grades so you can get into a good college because I want to be a vet technician. The quote that I tend to follow is “If your dreams aren’t big enough, your achievements won’t be a big impact on your life.” -Abdul Kreen Since my cat Muffin was euthanized (put to sleep) three years ago, I have always found a desire to help animals. I was really sad when Muffin got really sick and I felt helpless to her. She had two surgeries but the vet still couldn’t find out what was wrong. Then this year, I saw a video on YouTube of a girl who is only fifteen years old and she is a certified vet assistant. After that video, I was hooked and perusing that goal is something that I would like to accomplish. That video changed my life and my future goals of becoming a vet. If I get to be a certified vet assistant at fifteen then I can get one year out of college. I would only have to go to vet school for three years instead of four years. It also changed my feelings about Muffin getting euthanized. The feeling felt like when a relative dies or a really good friend. Muffin was my really good friend and relative. …show more content…

They are practically my life and I don’t like to see that they are suffering or soon going to die. I have so much fun with my animals at home; I even give my cats check-ups because I have my own stethoscope. The most exciting part about being able to help animals is that you get a good feeling that you have done some good in your life and that is a really good feeling. Even if you have an allergy to cats or dogs, you can still love them without hugging them. Being a vet is a major part of my life goals. My advice to you is to run hard towards your goal to achieve it, don’t let any obstacle get in your

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