After watching the Vice Presidential Debate, I agree with Pence more than Kaine, to say the least. From the sounds of the debate, Pence knows what he is doing, he, as well as Trump, have a solid plan for everything, and Pence also knows how to fully defend Trump which is good in the long run. In the beginning of the debate, candidates were asked if they would be able to handle the responsibility if the elected president were to step down. Pence suggested that he definitely wants to make a change in America, and would fully follow in Trumps footsteps. He also said that he has had lots of experience in politics, so he could easily handle the pressure, and that is what we need for our president and vice president. Yes, Kaine said that he has had …show more content…
But that answer did not really make sense, or answer the question. So, he did not do well answering the question once again. Another question that the two were asked was “Are you concerned about adding more to the country’s debt? How are you going to handle that?” Kaine was very focussed on raising minimum wage and taxes, and investing in manufacturing and infrastructure. But wouldn’t that just make the debt bigger? Pence on the other hand, answered the question with an answer that actually made sense. He said that, in order to deal with the debt, we need to have balanced budgets. This way, money will be able to be controlled easier. He also said that him and Trump have a plan to balance out the economy again, whereas Kaine and Hillary do not. The fourth question the pair was asked, dealt with illegal immigration, and how they were going to deal with and control that situation. Pence says that him and Trump are going to deal with it systematically, and that no one should be as worried as they are right now. He also suggested that we need to have more forceful, if you will, border control, so that the nation can be protected. After Pence had stated all of their plans, Kaine did what he had been doing
He build a team that can trust him and that he can trust. He perform well under pressure and communicate effectively especially when asked tough questions. He is very open-minded and willing to listen yet he will speak his mind if he feels what he hears is not in the best interest of the public. Steven pays very close attention to even the most minute details and carry little note card with detail of all the key polls in each of the battleground he attend. Steven does not believe in smooching up to the big corporations and private organizations or the top 1% of the wealthiest Americans because they do not represent the majority of Americans in this country. He believes in fairness and hard-working, sweat earning dollars not hand-out and bribery from the wealthiest Americans trying to control our political
“Ten Trillion and Counting,” presented by Frontline provides quite a picture of America’s national debt as it surpasses the trillion dollar mark. They ponder the financial well being of current and future retirees while also exposing on how America got into this mess, and what the Obama administration plans to do during his term. America is able to close the gap year to year in its national budget by selling bonds and T-bills. Foreigner countries who continually purchase these obligations are beginning to grow. Much like the Bush administration, the Obama administration has started borrowing big with plans to cut the budget years down the road. It is clear for anyone to see that this borrowing and the future promises of cutting cannot go
“Number one, we should look for some significant structural plan to reduce government spending…The debt ceiling historically has been among the best leverage that Congress has to rein in the executive…So the president’s demand, jack up the country’s credit card with no limits
Believing we can make a change to solve America's problems. That every citizen should thank a soldier when they see one. He is a man who was raised in Montana in the back woods, and urges that people who try to make changes to other states. Where those people have never gone before shouldn’t. People from that state should decide if they want change or not, he sees what Trumps message is even if it’s a little blurry at sometimes.
Fixing the national debt is a coservercal issue within our government. Since the two parties have opposing views on how to fix it, it creates gridlock on the process of creating a plan to reduce it. (Perdue, 2015) Our federal government debt has extensively tripled since the year 2000 (see appendix A) (Historical Debt Outstanding Annual 2000-2015,2015), today our debt is a tad bit over nineteen billion. ( , 2016) We have arrived at his point through the imbalance between revenues and spending, fueled by ever-high interest rates. Which will approximately result with us reaching ninety percent of GDP. (Greife, 2010) The government has no revenue. Therefore, the money it receives comes from the people and the
During the Donald Trump campaign, he proposed that he would build a wall at the Mexican border to keep immigrants from crossing
Debt is nothing new to the United States government. Ever since 1790 when Alexander Hamilton successfully convinced the congress to assume state debt the US has had a constant record of debt. This type of budget issue has been a constant leadership challenge to every US President. The Obama administration continues this trend of deficit and debt which has created the highest total federal debt in US history. . There are unique challenges and decisions every US President has had to make in regards to the budget and the economic success of the United States. Whether you agree or disagree with decisions made by President Obama there is a particular pressure that comes with trying to work across party lines to get support from those who disagree with his priorities. When President Obama entered office he took over a historically high debt and deficit during a time of an economic disaster. The new President inherited the challenge of balancing the budget and reducing debt while still spending to increase future economic growth. Though there are many aspects of concern regarding the federal budget, Obama’s main efforts coming into the White House were to increase tax revenue, by closing loopholes for the wealthy and adjusting previous tax measures, while reducing income inequality, increasing educational spending and providing universal health care.
There are different ideas on how to deal with America’s national debt. An option that
Trump has planned to take control of America's illegal immigration and to protect America from taking in enemy migrants from other countries by having 2 proposals when he became elected president. And those proposals are the Deportation policy and the Travel ban.
In today’s society, the national debt is a hot topic. Many, like myself, view the national debt as a problem. However, though some oppose the national debt in words, their actions indicate otherwise. To illustrate, statistics show that the national debt has jumped from “$925 billion in 1982 to almost $14.4 trillion in 2017” (Benjamin 701). I truly believe the national debt to be a hinderance to America with significant side effects.
Trump doesn’t follow this process. When he was asked about the foreign policy issues, he didn’t answer directly. He escaped the questions again and again. The only thing he insists is making America great. But he doesn’t have any preparation to implement this goal. Also, he said he would renegotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership, relations with China, the Iran nuclear deal, and the partnerships with key allies. I doubt about his negotiation skills. He doesn’t show any knowledge about these international issues. I don’t think he can negotiate with the others. The preparation is an important stage when you try to achieve a good result. You have to know about the problem and consider how to get win-win between the parties.
Both Clinton and Trump talk about investing in infrastructure, but only Clinton has a realistic way of raising the money to pay for it. The Democrat proposes tax cuts for the middle class and encouraging job creation in renewable energy and high-tech industries. The Republican relies on the familiar mantra of tax cuts for the wealthy, reducing regulations and repealing the inheritance tax that only applies now to estates worth more than $5.45 million. His pledges to revive the coal and steel industries are fantasies.
We either have a border or we don’t. He also says its very unfair that somebody can run across the border and just say the are a citizen when they might be an Isis member. We would have a disaster on trade, and you will have a disaster with your open borders. Trumps says that he would protect us from our enemys we will see.
He does have that experience thing going for him. I wonder if he, like Reagan,