
Victor Frankenstein Character Analysis

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Victor Frankenstein is the oldest son in the family and eventually becomes the husband of a woman by the name of Elizabeth Lavenza. As a child Victor has a strong urge for further knowledge and a positive future. All this eventually lead to Victor studying biology at a University in Ingolstadt. There Victor is fascinated with the thought of life and creating it. He uses his knowledge and determination to create a living being. Upon creating this being, Victor is disgusted by the outcome and hates how “Ugly” it is. Victor believes he has created a horrible monster although the creature is really a caring, and loving being. When Victor abandons this creature it unleashes a ball of emotions within the creature, from guilt to anger. In turn the creature feels abandon and left …show more content…

There he finds a man by the name of De Lacey. De Lacey, the father of both Agatha, and Felix is an old blind man. After the creature spends countless months watching the family he builds up the want to introduce himself to these people. Comparing his past experiences with mankind the creature finds this group of individuals very different; they are very affectionate and loving. The creature not wanting to be judged or insulted thinks it would be best to approach De Lacey first.
The creature makes his way to the village and greets De Lacey, he is welcomed as De Lacey asks his story and listens to the creature’s tale. De Lacey encourages the creature that all will be fine. As they continue to converse the old man learns that it is his family in which the creature wishes to become close with. During all this Felix and Agatha come back home and startle the two. In a moment of shock Frankenstein grabs De Lacey and Felix begins to attack and chase him out of the village. Once again for the second time the creature is segregated and shunned by everyone around

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