
Video Game Obsession Disorder

Decent Essays

The following is an analysis of the idea of “video game obsession disorder”. This will bring to light three variations of video game obsession as well as whether or not it’s actually commonplace. Video game obsession can be somewhat related to that of drug addiction, with cases of withdrawal symptoms and/or dangerous actions to keep up on their “fix”, rather than giving it up, or of cases where video games have driven people to some pretty dark places. Now before we continue any further into the subject, I must note that my opinion of this is that a large proportion of the cases I will list will be of people who have severe psychological problems, not necessarily an average person who plays Candy Crush too much. As well as my passion for video …show more content…

This will relate to acts of violence because of video game interaction, or actions of psychological instability. The first of these instances is when a 17-year-old in China lost a schoolyard fight. Afterwards, he attacked his opponent, poured gasoline on him, and lit him on fire. In this he left into a psychological state of schizophrenia, where he believed he was in the World of Warcraft, as an Arcane Fire Mage. This can be diagnosed as schizophrenia because of the lack of sense of differentiating reality from fantasy. Another case of vile actions, is where a 36-year-old man attacked a 12-year-old boy for using annoying tactics in the game Call of Duty. This can be related to anger related frustrations, but again- Is not often. What would be a common psychological variation, which may or may not be dangerous depending on the situation, is a condition known as the Tetris Effect. It works like this- When you play a video game for a certain amount of time, your brain starts to work in calculations of actions you would do based off of the game you play most often, this is most commonly associated with …show more content…

Most if not all harmful actions contributing to the ideology of video game disorder are conducted by mentally unstable individuals, in which the reality of what happens is referred to as commonplace and does not contribute to video game obsession. Is there technically a diagnosis for it? Yes. Is it often used? No. Because most of the time unless proven otherwise, psychological conditions involving video games or other forms of mass media is usually dubbed as schizophrenia. The following cases were dubbed and are the minority of actual cases, and are entirely

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