
Video Summary And Video Analysis: Inside The Teenage Brain

Decent Essays

The video Inside the Teenage Brain discusses the various changes teens experience. Teens are not only the subject of the video, but they also play an active role in portraying the way life is for the average teenager. The video explains that the development of a teenager is similar to that of a baby’s. Children in their first 18 months are experiencing a vast amount of changes in brain development, as are children who are in their teenage years. Teenagers are on their way to adulthood, but they still are children. While most seek more autonomy and individualism, they usually lack the ability to regulate their lives on their own. Charlie sees his parents’ rules as unfair and unreasonable, while his parents believe they are trying to do the best for him while he’s living in their home. I believe they should take time together to talk about the reasoning behind the rules and why Charlie feels that they’re unfair. I think that if they can both agree that if a rule seem too unreasonable to Charlie they can work together to figure out a way to alter it …show more content…

The child psychologists in the video explain that the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for planning, cognitive flexibility, and which warns us of potential negative consequences is still being developed. Teens are more likely to take bigger risks than adults because of the less developed prefrontal cortex. One outcome of the high risk taking behavior is the large incidence of STIs in teens and young adults under 25 years old (Kraynok, Seifert, Hoffnung, & Hoffnung, 2017). It was also discussed that before a person reaches their adult years, they have thinner grey matter and a smaller frontal lobe than the adult brain, which is where thinking occurs. As children grow into teenagers and into adults, more connections are created in the brain and higher levels of thinking are

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