
Should Children Be Sent To Life In Prison?

Decent Essays

Human beings, children especially, are hard to understand and very complex because they often have not formed their own opinions and thoughts about the world yet. In June of 2012 a majority of the supreme justices ruled that juveniles could not be sent to life in prison because of the 8th amendment. Their other reasoning being that children are immature and that by sending them to a life sentence it does not leave room to take into account the homelife the child was raised in. The four justices that voted against argued that that american society will see this and think that not every heinous crime a juvenile commits should be treated with life in prison. Personally, I agree that children should not be sent to a mandatory life sentence without a full investigation of family life and a psychological evaluation. …show more content…

In Paul Thompson’s, “Startling Finds on Teens’ Brains” he writes, “The biggest surprise in recent teen-brain research is the finding a mass loss of brain tissue occurs in the teen years.” Later in the article Thompson explains the parts of the brain affected by this tissue loss, “frontal lobes, which inhibit our violent passions, rash decisions, and regulate our emotion.” These are vital parts of the brain for decision making and how we thoroughly process thought. Also, throughout a child’s life different parts of the brain are developing and changing at different moments in time. As children develop how are we supposed to keep track of something that is changing rapidly and not even fully understand the developed adult brain. Even though a juvenile might have an idea of the heinous crime they commit this does not mean they had fully thought through the consequences nor the full extent of the bad they have

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