
Views of Scriptural and Historical Evidence

Decent Essays

The dispensational premillennial view’s rational support comes from the interpretive system it uses to illuminate scriptural evidence as well as the historical evidence that surrounds the view. Adherents of the dispensational premillennial view interpret biblical prophecy in a purely literal form. Smith says in his book What the Bible says about the Future, “Of the two major interpretive systems, only dispensationalism subscribes to a consistently normal/literal interpretation of Scripture. In other words, dispensationalism represents a truly exegetical method of interpretation” (52). Abandonment of literal interpretative methods can lead to apostasy when studying the scriptures. Dispensational Premillennialists understand that only the literal method interprets scripture in a way where the intended meaning is understood. When looking at scripture literally, dispensational premillennialists believe that the unfulfilled, unconditional covenants between God and the patriarchs of the Old Testament provide strong evidence for the dispensational premillenial view. The unconditional covenant that God made to Abraham concerning his offspring has yet to find fulfillment. An absence of fulfillment would indicate that God would be willing to break His own covenant and that would be inconsistent with His character. Therefore, we are guaranteed that God will carry out his promises in the future. Most of the promises made in the Abrahamic covenant have already been fulfilled literally.

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